Monday, November 21, 2011

Bad acne all of a sudden?

ive always had a few pimples every once in awhile. but in the past 2 weeks ive had really bad acne like 10 at a time. some of them are small %26amp; sum of them are big. im really self conscious and i hate goin out when i have so many. is there anything i can do? any home remedies to stop them.Bad acne all of a sudden?

i used to have the same problem lucky for me i don't anymore.

Get a bowl or something a little bigger . Then boil the kettle wait a few minutes and then pour the boiling hot water in to the bowl . You then get a towel. put your face over the bowl (make sure it does not touch the water) you then place the towel over your head and the bowl. This should make steam which opens and cleanses your pores. So unblocking them. If you do this often you are less likely to have spots. Be careful to make sure that the bowl is on a flat surface and does not spill. Good luck :)Bad acne all of a sudden?
wash your face more often..but not to much because it will dry out your like a daily face scrub and use it DAILY. i heard if you drink more water and less sugary drinks like soda.

but IMO buying a face cleaner is your best bet.

Can a beautiful gal go out with a boy who is shy and has bad acne and pimples?

Why shouldn't she be able to?Can a beautiful gal go out with a boy who is shy and has bad acne and pimples?
Sure she can as long as its for the right reasons and as long as he is a nice person. But if you feel embarrassed to then you shouldn't because otherwise you don't love him enough to. Otherwise i don't see why not. Have a go, try something new for a change.Can a beautiful gal go out with a boy who is shy and has bad acne and pimples?
definitely. if the girl who you consider beautiful is as great on the inside as she is outside then she won't have any problems seeing through any physical imperfections. :)
yes. as long as you he has a good personality. as long as she likes him for who he is.
Sure. What's wrong with that??

I have been taking prednisone for poison oak and have started getting pretty bad acne on my back and shoulders?

can prednisone give you acne...also my face has started getting more acne too...

if it is because of prednisone will it start to go away now that i'm off the medication...I have been taking prednisone for poison oak and have started getting pretty bad acne on my back and shoulders?
Generally when receiving a corticosteroid your body may be immunocompromised. This may allow bacterial infections to grow easier. Chances are this acne is due to a bacterial infection. Ask your doctor and see whether a tetracycline antibiotic is right for you. Chances are this acne will disappear with the tetracycline.

I get really bad acne when it's that time of the month.?

I usually have pretty flawless skin, but I break out really bad about a week before I get my period and for about a week after. Is there something I can use to help this? I've tryed lots of different products and nothing seems to help.I get really bad acne when it's that time of the month.?
proactive is so expensive because they have to pay all those celebrities to do all those commercials!

any 2.5% bezoyl peroxide will do. walgreens has it in the form of Neutrogena on-the-spot, it's like $6 for 3/4 of an oz, or you can go here and buy a 4 ounce bottle for $8.50, but you have to pay shiping on top of that, but it's over 5 times the amount of what's in the neutrogena bottle and for that much neutrogena would cost you over $30,so it's worth it.especially if you buy more than one bottle and/or the cleanser to.I get really bad acne when it's that time of the month.?
proactive its the best yea its expensive but i got some and it lasted me about 6 mouths then i bought more plus you can buy other products like advanced blemish treatment witch will make each blemish go away within 24 hours plus they have makeup that treats blemishes its the best!!
read tips on helping to treat acne and skincare on this site
There isn't a particular product I can reccomend but i will say that drinking a lot of water worked for me. It helped me to keep my skin clear.
OK, I am a guy ... but why would you want to?

Isn't that making life easier for you?

I have never met a woman who wanted to be attractive at that time?

Good Luck!
pro active. just use it all the time it won't dry your skin out and will help the acne
Traditional Black Soap is brownish-black in color. It is soft with an organic shape. It has a delicate texture %26amp; a natural earthy smell. It is not oily or scented. Black Soap has been used for black hair care %26amp; black skin care for centuries. Today people from all walks of life are benefiting from this amazing African soap. African black soap is mostly found in Ghana. However, other countries have their own version of African black soap. Nothing compares to the original African black soap from Ghana. Note: This African Black Soap is not the mass produced African Black Soap in boxes all over the market.


Helps deep clean skin.

Used on most skin types including rough and dry.

Helps clear skin of bumps %26amp; spots.

Helps reveal radiant, fresh %26amp; healthy skin.

Helps relieve acne, oily skin %26amp; other skin problems.

Great for removing make-up.

Helps against premature facial lines. Lathers well.




Washing your Hair

Washing your Face

Washing your Feet
Ultimate Acne Relief!

Could YOU Use Some Help Fighting Zits, Pimples,

Whiteheads, Blackheads…… In Short: “ Want To Combat Unsightly Blemishes?”
My face too break out when it's that time of the month,and I sometimes use my Husband's Bump Patrol which is for razor bumps and it seems to work pretty fine. So maybe you should try it.

I tried some of these home based remedies and they did work for me ,this link has a lot of information and forums to discuss issues pertaining to skin,hair and weight problems so here goes,…

Good luck
Hormones are the cause. The only thing I've seen to really work is birth control. Many people get on it because it controls the hormones and prevents such breakouts. I don't know how old you are, so talk to your parents if you're under 18. Many people are on bc just to curb the acne issue, not because they are or are going to be sexually active. They're are also certain brands of bc that work better. Talk to a dermotologist and/or obgyn for further details.

My son has bad acne what should I do! Any home remedies?

The cheapest solution is Dial soap.My son has bad acne what should I do! Any home remedies?
I had bad acne for a long time. I tried everything topical you can find. The reality is...a teen is not going to follow a strict regimen of washing and cleansing and using a moisturizer. The one thing that worked for me was Accutane. I got it from a dermatologist. It is a strong medication taken by mouth daily. I would seek medical advice since a lot of breakouts are caused by hormonal imbalances.My son has bad acne what should I do! Any home remedies?
get him a good cleanser and make sure he cleanses morning and night and then use lemon juice on the pimples and a light moisturiser. take him to a dermatologist(preferable) or doctor.

Hope this helps
tea tree oil diluted w/ sweet almond oil.
you are a good parent for inquiring about it. it seems you truly want to help your son. thats great.

unfortunately .. i havent known of any home remedies that will help

but, i have suffered with severe acne.. and i can tell you if it really is sevre and affecting his life negatively..

than u might want to give accutane a try.

it can help a lot.

the psychological problems after acne arent good.. u might as well try accutane.. to help him early..

A good diet.

Drink lots of water, cut out the soda.

Give him a multi-vitamin daily.

Make him wash his face morning and night with an antibacterial soap, and then use an oil-free moisturizer.

Encourage him not to touch his face and to wash his hands frequently throughout the day as well.
  • lip balm
  • Does touching your face really have a dramatic effect on how bad your acne is?

    LOL at your face is very gay!

    I'm one of those people who can touch anything and not get acne....except for once a damn month!

    How old are you? It's common in teens.

    I would see a dermatologist.

    I was told by a dermatologist that Neutrogena cream (orange tube) is very good.Does touching your face really have a dramatic effect on how bad your acne is?
    yes it does. a persons hands and fingers are constantly touching things around us, so our hands get dirty. On top of them being dirty, they also have oils in them. All of that junk gets clogged in your pores. Also, if you have acne that hasn't come to a head yet, don't touch it at all, it only makes it so much worse.

    My son uses hand sanitizer on his face every day, and he is absolutely acne free. It works better than the expensive acne products that you find in stores.Does touching your face really have a dramatic effect on how bad your acne is?
    Sometimes it can.

    In high school my acne was so bad I went on acutane to clear it up- It worked great...then used proactive- it also worked great to keep it away after I went off acutane..

    Now I dont really get a lot of break outs- only when it's that time of the month. Plus I use clearasil face was daily.
    yes because of dirt, germs and bacteria.

    no touchy!!

    i guess if you wash your hands first, touch away.

    but keep your digits off your face at work or school.

    please, i beg you.

    i am assuming your face is gay.

    if you have a straight face, i can't help you...
    Yes, it spreads the sabaceous gland fluids over your face and promotes bacterial growth and irritation, all of which promote further acne.

    Oh, and it makes you gay!

    WTF?! Why is this on the LGBT board?
    yea.. but u can also see a doctor for u acne.. they would prescribe u pills and cream for ur face..oo and if u pop a zit dont let the stuff that comes out of it touch ur face skin becuase it can creat more zits..
    Yes, the oils and the dirt from your hands can go on to your face and get into your pores and make everything worse.
    speaking as a person with moderate acne. i will tell you that while it does have some effect, it isn't nearly as bad as bad genetics.
    Yes.. think about all of the germs and oil that are on your fingers. You just placing this all over your face and adding even more of the things that cause acne to your face.
    Yes, it really does. Bacteria and other icky uncleanliness can seep into your pours and clog them.

    As to why this is in the Gay section, I'm just totally lost.
    Yeah, I think it has to do with oils getting from your hands onto your face and making your pores all clogged up.
    Yes because the hands have oil and other junk that help inflame the already oily pores on the face.
    I'm not really sure. But if it's true, then that's probably one of the reasons why I have horrible acne....................
    probably if you've been washing your hands with grilled cheese and fried chicken.
    of course, unless you wash them after every time you touch something
    Depends how clean your hands are...
    yes dont touch your face alot, ust leave them alone
    I agree with Rick 100%

    on both issues
    don't touch ur face cause the acne will get alot worse

    Could my bad diet be related to my acne problems?

    And, if so, what foods should I eat? I heard antioxidants are good.

    My usual acne routine hasn't been working lately, and I've noticed I've been eating out-of-habit lately.

    I'm on my way to perfect skin, is there any other tips?Could my bad diet be related to my acne problems?
    People say diet has nothing to do with the flare ups of acne or ridding of acne, I know for experience that's BS.

    Eat 20 to 30 grams of fiber every day鈥揊iber helps keep the colon clean and may remove toxins from the body before they reach the skin.

    Eat a low fat diet鈥揟he cultures whose natural diet was low in fat, had less acne, and high fat consumption may elevate hormone levels in the body that cause blemishes on the skin.

    Avoid peanut products鈥揚eanut products were found to cause acne flare ups in a study of 500 adolescents.

    Avoid fried foods鈥擣ried foods were found to caused break outs.

    Limit salt intake especially table salt or iodized salt鈥?Many people with acne have elevated levels of iodine, found in table salt, in their blood stream during acne flare ups. Excessive iodine or iodides are excreted out the pore and flare up acne. Excessive iodine is obtained by eating taco chips that are salted with sea salt or using a lot of kelp either sprinkled on food or used as a wrap. Another source may be cows liver, which concentrates salt from the salt lick in the pasture. Some vegetables concentrate iodine such as asparagus. Once of the reasons acne may be worse in the United States compared to Europe is that we iodize our salt ten times higher than they do in Europe.

    Avoid highly salty sacks such as chips, lunch meats, canned foods, and salted popcorn鈥揟hese foods are high in salt and, in some cases, fat.

    Avoid dairy products such as milk, cheese and ice cream - these tend to have hormones in them hence causing yucky pimples, so be sure to drink only local milk with no added hormones :)

    Avoid highly processed carbohydrates such as sodas, candy, and baked goods鈥揌igh carbohydrate foods raise the level of insulin in the blood and elevated insulevel may raise the levels of acne鈥揷ausing hormones in the body.

    In addition to following the acne diet suggestions, taking the following supplements are proposed to also help prevent acne:

    Vitamin A (may be toxic consult your doctor first)

    Vitamin E

    Vitamin B6



    Omega-3 Fatty Acid


    Hope this helps!Could my bad diet be related to my acne problems?
    Depends what you eat. Avoid vegetable oil (switch to olive oil), junk food (ice cream, cookies, potato chips, etc). Drink water instead of soda. Soda is bad for you anyway. Drinking water is very important in having healthy skin. I'm sure I don't need to tell you why. All in all, just eat healthy foods. This is common knowledge.

    Skin tips:

    Wash your face every morning, afternoon, and before bed.

    Exfoliate 2 to 3 times a week.

    Moisturize in the morning and before going to bed.

    Wear sun protection with an SPF of 30 or 35. EVERY DAY.

    When popping your pimples, be sure to disinfect them with alcohol. And don't put too much pressure when popping them, because that can leave scars and it may spread the infection. Pop them with a needle and gently push out the puss upwards not inwards.

    Try and invest in getting an extraction done every 1-2 months to clean your pores. Getting an extraction done monthly can help your complexion and prevent clogged pores which will eventually lead to breakouts. Call a nearby spa center and ask them if they do extractions.

    Also, try not to buy cheap products. :) And wash your hands, never touch your face with dirty hands.
    One thing I might suggest is to know when to eat. Try not to skip breakfast or hold off lunch in the afternoon, if you do that. What my doctor told me is to eat breakfast at 6, lunch by 12:30, a snack (fruits most likely) at 3, and dinner by 6 or 7. Try avoid eating a lot of cold food, spicy food, and fried food.

    Do not stay up late every night, and do not eat overnight! Stress can lead to acne as well... Oh, and wash your face everyday to clean the body oils on your skin and to maintain healthy pores. When you do have acne, avoid touching it, since your hands have germs and bacteria that only inflame your skin even more.

    That's all I can think of...or what my doctor told me :P
    Vitamin A and E are very good for your skin. Nuts have a lot of vitamin E in them, and carrots have vitamin A. If your diet doesn't have a lot of veggies of foods with fluids in them, it could be making you break out.You are right in thinking antioxidants are good, so that means green tea.
    ya i heard that chocolate gives you acne.

    also when i stoped eating for a while my skin cleared up like crazy i thought it was impossible and the answer was to stop eating or cut down on some of your food.
    Absolutely, you are what you eat. Try drinking a lot of water and sticking to foods with little to no artificial ingredients.
    Yup. Greasy foods are really bad for you and your skin.
    dont eat greasy, oily foods because they leave behind the fats and crud and that then goes to ur skin
    Yes of course

    Is amoxicillin bad to take for acne?

    I went to the dermatologist today and he gave me amoxicillin. I've heard that it is a bad medicine to be on. I was just wandering if this was true or not. Is it harmful in any way?Is amoxicillin bad to take for acne?
    No - it's not bad - I'm a nurse and was on some antibiotics - if it doesn't work ask for doxycycline - it's the strongest antibiotic out there - the strongest drug for acne outside of Accutane, which is a last resort drug...I had to stop the antibiotics because I couldn't tolerate them - but if the acne doesn't go away because it's a weak one write down the one I was on -the doxycycline - that worked the best and ask for that one and see what he or she says... Good luck...Is amoxicillin bad to take for acne?
    Well it's not a strong antibiotic so it's doubtful it will do much for your acne - perhaps clearing up any that are 'infected' generally other antibiotics are used.

    It's pretty mild - and may help decrease some area's - with little to no side effects.
    Interesting. I have not heard of amoxicillin being used for ance. The topical antibiotics usually used for acne are erythromycin or possibly clindamycin. As far as safety, it is a pretty safe drug which shouldn't cause any concerns. Not sure how effective it will be though. Ask the doc about any side effects that are worrying you.

    Has anyone ever used Dr Murad Acne range products? Any good or bad feedback on these?

    I am tempted to buy but just thought i would ask on here first! Thanks!Has anyone ever used Dr Murad Acne range products? Any good or bad feedback on these?
    I have used Proactive and Murad. I had a bad reaction to Proactive and had to return it. Murad cleared me up wonderfully.

    I still have a little bit of the toner and I use it once in a while to freshen up my face.

    I think you should try the simple acne set. The cleanser, face lotion and toner. The acne mask is nice too.Has anyone ever used Dr Murad Acne range products? Any good or bad feedback on these?
    i haven't as i trust my dermatologist... but my friend's boyfriend is taking some of his products... and he really looks good... very very clear and healthy looking skin.... i hope this (answer) will work....

    Is it bad to use liquid foundation to cover up acne or cold sores?

    I don't know if it'll irritate it.Is it bad to use liquid foundation to cover up acne or cold sores?
    There's nothing wrong with using a bit of concealer or foundation to camouflage or hide the odd spot...however I do think they are best left untouched!! makeup will clog your pores and therefore irritate your skin further...but it honestly is up to you, if you do put makeup on your skin just make sure you wipe it off properly before you sleep to prevent further break outs. I would leave the cold sore alone though and apply only a cold sore cream to the area it should hopefully go within a few days :) goodluck hun Is it bad to use liquid foundation to cover up acne or cold sores?
    It depends on the type of make-up or the person if it'll irriate the skin, so thats not a question that can be answered and be 100% true...but as far as doesn't look very great...but there is a compact from MAC called studio is a mixture of both a powder and foundation concealer. you can buy it online but I think it's a better idea to go to a MAC store to find out what color you would need

    (to go along with what someone said about an oil-e-r face...the compact actually absorbs the oil on your face!!!)
    it will irritate the skin, i think you should treat those problems with good face wash, exfoliator and a moisturizer and not trying to cover it up.
    do not put it on cold sores. it will spread them and make them last longer.

    i suggest abreva it expensive but it works wonders.
    I imagine it's bad for cold sores and if the foundation isn't meant to treat acne, it won't be good for acne.
    Its totally okay! It might your skin a little bit more oily but just make sure to wash your face everyday!

    My brother has really bad acne?

    his acne ranges from big to little, but the main problem is the redness...

    what helps with the redness?

    what causes it?

    how to prevent it?My brother has really bad acne?
    lol it sounds like you're not talking about your bro..

    don't be embarrassed. acne will happen to the better of us.

    i got this really good anti-redness crap at like...walgreens? it worked pretty good. OTHERWISE..clearisil acne's my for everything from pimples, to redness, to blackheadsss.

    give'er a tryyy.My brother has really bad acne?
    Try to find a product that says it releives redness. the salacious glands are what make acne happen and its when they procuduce to much oil that a pimple is formed. there really isnt a way that i know of to prevent it... you can just take shoers and wash your skin alot
    he needs to see a dermatologist. a drug called Accutane is effective but you need a prescription. it's great for curing acne but may cause sterility :-(
  • lip balm
  • I need something that really works on bad acne skin i have it on my arms back and face?

    i would like a product i can buy in the shops in england and thatis known to work?I need something that really works on bad acne skin i have it on my arms back and face?
    Hormone treatment for acne

    Co-cyprindiol (cyproterone acetate with ethinylestradiol) contains an anti-androgen. It is no more effective than an oral broad-spectrum antibacterial but is useful in women who also wish to receive oral contraception.

    Improvement of acne with co-cyprindiol probably occurs because of decreased sebum secretion which is under androgen control. Some women with moderately severe hirsutism may also benefit because hair growth is also androgen-dependent. Contra-indications of co-cyprindiol include pregnancy and a predisposition to thrombosis.

    CSM advice

    Venous thromboembolism occurs more frequently in women taking co-cyprindiol than those taking a low-dose combined oral contraceptive. The CSM has reminded prescribers that co-cyprindiol is licensed for use in women with severe acne which has not responded to oral antibacterials and for moderately severe hirsutism; it should not be used solely for contraception. It is contra-indicated in those with a personal or close family history of venous thromboembolism. Women with severe acne or hirsutism may have an inherently increased risk of cardiovascular disease.


    Treatment of acne should be commenced early to prevent scarring. Patients should be counselled that an improvement may not be seen for at least a couple of months. The choice of treatment depends on whether the acne is predominantly inflammatory or comedonal and its severity.

    Mild to moderate acne is generally treated with topical preparations. Systemic treatment with oral antibiotics is generally used for moderate to severe acne or where topical preparations are not tolerated or are ineffective or where application to the site is difficult. Another oral preparation used for acne is the hormone treatment co-cyprindiol (cyproterone acetate with ethinylestradiol); it is for women only.

    Severe acne, acne unresponsive to prolonged courses of oral antibiotics, scarring, or acne associated with psychological problems calls for early referral to a consultant dermatologist who may prescribe isotretinoin for administration by mouth.


    Rosacea is not comedonal (but may exist with acne which may be comedonal). The pustules and papules of rosacea respond to topical metronidazole or to oral administration of oxytetracycline or tetracycline 500 mg twice daily or of erythromycin 500 mg twice daily ;courses usually last 6鈥?2 weeks and are repeated intermittently. Alternatively, doxycycline in a dose of 100 mg once daily may be used [unlicensed indication] if oxytetracycline or tetracycline is inappropriate (e.g. in renal impairment). Isotretinoin is occasionally given in refractory cases [unlicensed indication]. Camouflagers may be required for the redness.


    Additional information interactions (Ethinylestradiol).

    A mixture of cyproterone acetate and ethinylestradiol in the mass proportions 2000 parts to 35 parts, respectively

    Indications severe acne in women refractory to prolonged oral antibacterial therapy (but see notes above); moderately severe hirsutism

    Cautions see under Combined Hormonal Contraceptives,

    Contra-indications see under Combined Hormonal Contraceptives,

    Side-effects see under Combined Hormonal Contraceptives,


    1 tablet daily for 21 days starting on day 1 of menstrual cycle and repeated after a 7-day interval, usually for several months; withdraw when acne or hirsutism completely resolved (repeat courses may be given if recurrence)

    Maybe have a word with specialist in Holland %26amp; Barratt or your local chinese herbalist as they can be very good also.I need something that really works on bad acne skin i have it on my arms back and face?
    go to your doctors, he will give you some lotion that really workd, unlike the off the shelf products
    The doctor can give you something to help, alternatively Evening Primrose oil capsules are certainly worth trying I know they have helped quite a few people I know, give them a try, really cheap and you can get them from any supermarket, you may even get one that is combined with vitamin B which will work even better as it may help the hormones. Good luck
    my mate had it really bad as a kid, he used tea tree oil products which helped a lot. body shop do loads of it
    I think your GP is your best bet! they can prescribe ointments much stronger than that of a pharmacist. Many of the ointments given by your GP will contain steroids which I believe help greatly!
    Go to, and look at the ';SeriousSkinCare'; line. They have very good products and not expensive, to order for acne. I was watching the show yesterday, as the acne line was on and it has very good products for girls, boys, women, and men with acne. They will deliver it to your home. I use HSN often for beauty products myself, except I am on the dry side. I use the ';Serious Skin Care'; line and its wonderful!

    Good luck!
    read Herbal tips/Herbal recipe here fo that ---

    check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:Acne cure

    Read...Free Beauty tips on....natural and homemade methods to:

    Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/

    Wrinkles/Freckles/Steaming/herbal recipe for skin

    Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/ Hot oil massages

    Henna on hair/Splitends/Oilyhair/Dryhair


    Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness/eyebags

    Herbal tips/Herbal recipe

    Free beauty tips on Makeup/Hairstyles %26amp; photo gallery/

    hair highlighting/Weightloss /Hairremoval/ etc...
    can sympathise. i never found a commercial or prescribed product that worked other than short term. however, chinese medicine worked and worked very fast and permanently...i'm normally very sceptical about this stuff and only tried it out of desparation.
    I strongly recommend you go to a dermatologist. I have delt with acne for many years as a teenager, in my twenties it developed into adult acne. I have tried every medicine and home remedy there is, the only thing that worked for me was Proactive, it didn't dry out my skin or cause any redness like other medication.
    go see ur doctor, i used to have bad skin and they have treatments that i believe work miracles!!!
    consult the proper dr be4 putting anything on uer skin in which it might react badly too ok?. goodluck wth that.
    look for a seaweed/kelp product.

    When I was in the US Navy, I was able to go to England and there was a product that was sold over there made out of 100% Seaweed and Kelp. I used it for 2 weeks faithfully and I have not had any sort of acne since!
    Try a tea tree face wash followed by an oat exfoliator, do not use an exfoliator with apricot stones or that sort of thing as it can spread the infection. Follow by using a moisturiser with manuka honey. Try and use a face mask as well such as bentonite clay as it is very good with acne and spots and works quite fast.

    You can also use 40ml jojoba oil with 15drops lavendar (to help with scars), 15drops tea tree (to help clear spots) and 15drops palmarosa (to help scars and redness) before you go to bed.

    I have been using this for a few weeks and have seen remarkable improvement, I would not take tablets as I believe it will not help the problem in the future.
    Try to apply lemon. try continuesly for a weekk and any acne will go away.
    I used to have acne and it becomes worse when sitting in the sun. I started talking a beta-carotene supplement which has helped alot.
    Dr Schuesslers Bio Chemic tissue salts- They are safe and homeo-pathic. Try ';Combination D'; They are inexpensive and readilly available at health food shops- You could always google and find a on line stockist.

    this is the link for the supplier they will have info also

    I hope this helps. Jason (aka Harold)
    go to your doctor he might be able help you

    Is juice made from fruits bad for acne?


    I recently read that consuming sugar will make you breakout, and that's happened to me recently. What I want to know is that my mom always makes me juice from carrots, apples, oranges, etc.. And she uses this machine where you put in the fruit and it turns into basically a fruit shake if you will.

    I was wondering if this is bad for you or what... because I really want to stop if it is.


    SilentIs juice made from fruits bad for acne?
    oh definitely not. the juice isn't what is causing your acne, and i don't think that sugar is either. i used to have cystic acne because my parents had it. there wasn't anything in my diet or in a bottle that could cure it. it was genetic. so i suggest that you keep on drinking that and wash (don't over wash) your face every day and it will go away eventually.Is juice made from fruits bad for acne?
    Any drink high in sugar is bad for the skin. It clogs the pores
    It's actualy good for your acne.It has vitamens and protien etc;.Buy an oatmeal bar soap that helps acne alot.Avoid using head cleansers.THey just make the skin oily and stuff.

    My acne got bad when i moved to virginia and i cant get rid of it, help?

    any advice or products, foods, drink anything?My acne got bad when i moved to virginia and i cant get rid of it, help?
    The best stuff I have used is at They have an acne line that is awesome. They use four different acne fighting ingredients compared to one that most companies use. You can get the whole line or get one product at a time and you don't have to join a club to get it.My acne got bad when i moved to virginia and i cant get rid of it, help?
    read tips on treating acne, skincare and home remedies on this site
    Have you been stressed out? Stress is a big factor in acne. Also the new climate with the high humidity could do it if you are sweating a lot. I would avoid things with lots of oil or grease... Burgers, fries, deep fried anything, fried chicken... Basically anything with fried in the name. Beyond that, just keep your face clean. Wash with a gentle soap or facial clenser morning and night. Don't use excessive lotion on your face and if you must use lotion, make sure it's a facial moisturizer that is non-comedogenic (won't cause blackheads). My wife loves the Burt's Bees products for skin care, particularly the tomato soap. Go to and search for burt's bees and tomato soap.

    I hope this helps!
    Go to a dermatologist.......its the absolute BEST, sure fire way to cure your acne.
    Drink a lot of water, and use Arbonne face products, I just did a mask like an hour ago and my face feels excellent. Good Luck
    Arrange a consultation with a Dermatologist,and inquire about an effective drug for acne called : Accutane. If you wish you could probably obtain free consumer information from the manufacturer Roche Laboratories Inc,340 Kingsland Street, Nutley,NJ 07110-1199

    I have a bad acne problem on my forehead?

    i have long hair with bangs down on my forehead which covers it up. i still get picked on because of it and would like to know how to help it go away or to find out what it isI have a bad acne problem on my forehead?
    You should see a dermatologist who will treat the acne and tell you about various products to use. Your bangs contribute to the problem so consider changing hairstyles for a while. Basically acne is caused by an excess of sebum, the skin's natural oil, which becomes trapped in pores. If you don't want to see a derm, there are other options. Change your hairstyle, start washing your face at least 3 times a day with a good facial cleanser formulated for acne prone skin, use an astringent on your forehead and follow with an anti-acne lotion or gel. There are many different brands to choose from and those containing salicylic acid are very effective.I have a bad acne problem on my forehead?
    Then i suggest you should see your dermatologist for special face wash to help it go away faster. Plus something that works with your face.
    shiseido. cleansing foam.. .this works soooooo good. proactive didnt even work for me at all and this is waaay differnt.
    Maybe the reason you forehead is so bad is because of you long hair.The oil on your hair is touching your forehead and that is causing you to break out so much on your forehead.I'm not saying to cut your hair its your choice.But i think that is why you have bad acne on your forehead.
    go see your dermatalogist and/or buy proactiv... apparently it really works

    I Have Really bad acne how do i get rid of it?

    No Matter wat the costI Have Really bad acne how do i get rid of it?鈥?/a>I Have Really bad acne how do i get rid of it?
    Ok first of all Proactiv does NOT work (I've tried it). Try taking Zinc pills, put egg yolks on your face (they have Zinc), drink lots of water, get oil wipes and don't wash your face more than twice a day!
    I disagree with Dream_Of_Hope, Proactiv absolutely works, and it works FAST! The only caveat is that you have to keep using it or the acne just comes back and it's not cheap. I guarantee you that it works if you use it properly, you have to be very faithful and follow each step exactly.
    I too had really bad acne and I tried everything. Until a friend of mine told me about this . At first, I was like yeah right. But I said to myself, what the hell. I need to get rid of this. It help me find the solution that I needed to get rid of this problem. I hope it can work for you too. I understand your pain. Best of luck.

    or a prescription from a dematologist.

    its been endorsed by a lot of celebs.
    Get proactiv because it would clear your face up. I have it and my face is so clear. It really isn't that much money but it is worth it.
    Try Anew from avon peel off face mask im unsure about that recipe you suggested but hey its worth a try

    I use panoxyl aquagel 10

    Benzoyl peroxcide 10%

    I swear by this this clears spots in days its brillient!

    You buy this from chemists For 拢2.59 for 40g tube last for awhile effective and cheap anything with benzoyl in is fantastic please try it you will not be disapointed! you will be wow'd
    antibiotics work...go to your doc
    You can try tazorac prescribed by the dermatologist.

    It reduces redness but it does dry out your and you need to moisturize before using it.

    You should ask the dermatologist about it.


    You can try neutrogena acne products.
    You can go to your doctors and they can prescribe something. My brother had to go and get tablets, they worked really well for him
    use witch hazel! it works i used it when i was pregnant. wash your face w/soap dry and then use witch hazel and cotton ball. it will dry out your skin and also brings blackheads to the surface.
    witch hazel is good but anything with salycic acid in it will help. Wash your face 2 times a day and make sure to use a good moisturizer so your skin wont get too dry. Also, if you use hairspray cover your face to keep the overspray off and DONT PICK at your pimples as it will introduce even more bacteria to your face from your hands and fingernails and if you pick you can cause scarring and thats not pretty.

    I've had bad acne for six years now?

    I got my first zit in 6th grade and now i'm a senior in high school and my skin is still awful. I have terrible acne all over my face. My skin's insanely oily and my pores are huge. I've tried everything: every product you can find in drugstores, proactiv, murad, many other expensive 3/4 step systems, i've been prescribed pills by the doctor that didn't work. I drink tons of water everyday. I eat healthy. Anyone have any suggestions. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.I've had bad acne for six years now?
    That sounds a lot like me. I, too, tried every skin care cream/cleanser/toner I saw. I also tried Proactiv and it did nothing. I have had severe acne for seven years and during those years my mother and I got everything we knew of and tried it on my acne, but nothing seemed to work. Recently I went to the dermatologist and got put on Accutane. It is a six month treatment of pills you take everyday. After the six months your skin is supposed to be completely clear forever (except for maybe a few breakouts at the time of your period). Some people don't clear completely in the first treatment so they do a second treatment and clear up. However only people with severe acne are eligible and there are some pretty extensive guidelines to the treatment. Consult your dermatologist about it.

    Hope I helped.I've had bad acne for six years now?
    I find that zits heal faster when moisturized. Aveeno ';positively radiant'; moisturizer works best on my skin, and it also has little light diffusing particles in it that make your skin tone look more even if you have any scars from old zits. Here's a link to the product page:鈥?/a>

    It costs about $8 per bottle but I really like it, and you don't need to use much, especially if you have oily skin.

    You might just be going through a normal teenage acne phase. It sucks, but it is probably associated with hormones, and will clear up in your 20's. One thing that often helps is birth control pills as they regulate your hormones.
    eating, sleeping, drinking, and stress has a lot to do with your skin. first off....when you wake up wash your face with a has little beads in it and it will take the dead skin off. use hot water. than damp it dry and wash will a regular face wash. then dry with a paper towel. use a non oil based lotion on your face. during the day wash your face with a baby wipe or some kind of make up cloth. do this after you eat and stuff. before bed wash your face normally and then apply a little lotion. keep up the routine and you should see a difference. i use neutragena and it works wonders.
  • lip balm
  • I have very bad acne what can i do?

    I am 20 years old female and have always had bad acne. I noticed that under my chin was hairy so I shaved it and broke out really bad is there anything i can use to help it? Why is it so bad for girls to shave there face?I have very bad acne what can i do?
    Start by going to a dermatologist so they can assess you acne and provide a treatment for you. You probably just gave yourself bad razor burn under your chin. You should not shave your face because the hair grows back thicker and faster, if you do need to remove hair I suggest going to have it waxed by a professional to save the trouble of messing up on your own again. If you already have scaring from acne you should think about micodermabrasion or chemical peel. I found info on all this cosmetic surgery at this site.鈥?/a>

鈥?/a>I have very bad acne what can i do?
    proactiv, my friend has it

    and it's amazing. she's been

    using it for about 2 years.

    also you can search videos on

    youtube and see what people

    recommend; like these -鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    I really have bad acne if i rate it 8 out of ten may be 9?

    8/10 i really like this girl but i embaraesd with my face

    i tries proactive it didt work

    i tried neutragina wash it didt work

    i tried acne free old one (orangeone) it didnt work

    i thinks it beacause of my dad genes he really had bad ance is there any way to help my acne rigth now im using

    clearasil gel wash and cream

    bit it only works a little

    I saw the commercial about an acne medicne its called THE CURE ITS A TABLET AND cream plss help me

    im asian with dark skin brown skinI really have bad acne if i rate it 8 out of ten may be 9?
    Drink A LOT of water, use face wash, moisturizers, acne aids.I really have bad acne if i rate it 8 out of ten may be 9?
    i've had problems with my skin as well and have tried some of the products you mentioned and they didn't work for me either. what i've been using the past few months though HAS been helping me... and as silly as it sounds, its the clearskin products from avon. you can get the 3 products needed for $10.00 - so it's cheap too! you use the cleanser, then these cleansing pads and then a moisturizer / mask. good luck!
    If your acne is severe, especially nodular acne, you need to see a dermatologist about getting on Accutane. Nodular acne is the type where the pimples seem to be deep under your skin and never come to a head, they can also be very painful, and often scar. Accutane can help with other types of acne as well, it works by limiting the amount of sebaceous oil your glands produce. (Acne is merely plugged up sebaceous glands)

    I had severe nodular acne, I was on Accutane 40mg for a 6month treatment, and my skin was perfectly clear for a whole year after. It has been 3 years since my last treatment and I am going to see a dermatologist about getting a second treatment (necessary with some cases) Accutane cleared my skin to just the occasional pimple for about 2 1/2 years. Now thats worthwhile

    However, Accutane has gotten a bad rap for some of its rather severe side affects. It is a class X retinoid,.. you will have to have blood test every month to make sure it is not adversely affecting your liver.

    Most people who go on Accutane, only get chapped lips. It is well worth it, if you have the means, then check it out. It was the single best move I ever made for my skin.

    In the mean time, use any soap with salytic acid 2% in it, and then layer the acne affected areas with 10% benzol peroxide at night-(Walmart's brand works best.) Don't waste your time on the expensive nature's cure pills, I tried them three years ago, they did nothing.
    A week ago I started using a mask and exfoliator and they went away!!! I am rejoicing because these pimples have been on my face for years. First I make a mixture of water and baking soda. It should be kind of like a cream (except it's not very soft). Put it on your face and leave it for about five minutes (or until it is dry). Then scrub it off with water. Then I used nuetragena acne pads on my face. Then I used a mask (leave on for about ten minutes). I used the Artistry mask, but any should work. Then I took another kind of maks (they're different colors, but have the same instructions, so I don't know what the difference is, so you could probably use one for both purposes). I put this second mask on the bigest pimples and left it on over night. I did this every day for a week and now my pimples are almost gone! You can probably even add your own steps in their or take steps away. Revise it to meet your skin's needs. This is what worked for me. Hope this helps. (It also help scars and scabs.)
    I have used a product called acnotex , but I'm not sure if you need a prescription or not. Its a liquid that you dab on the skin and it clears up the acne.

    Good Luck!!! Try Melaleuca Oil. My son and I use it. The oil works great and they company has many products specifically for acne as well as skin. The soap is the only thing that has cleared up my dry itchy skin.
    yeah proactive doesn't work. what you can do is try this zeno thing. i can't remember the website. but it must work well because it is 185.00 dollars. i want to try it. i will try to get the website to you if you want it.
    Ok listen here.

    Go see a dermatologist ASAP. Trust me, you will not regret it. I went to see one back in late May, I had TERRIBLE acne, worst than you would ever see. I mean it was awful. And right now, all my acne has disappeared, and my scars are starting to fade away as well. It takes about a year for them to completely fade but it's getting there.

    He will get you anti-biotics you use and you rarely ever get breakouts. Also, just get some Dial Soap for fragile skin and use it 2 times a day, once in the morning when you wake up and once before you go to bed. Avoid touching your face as well, if you have an itch then just resist the pain of it.

    Trust me on this one, it will be the best decision you have made. All of the products out there are just ripping you off, and I found that out on personal experience.
    You have to stop using clearasil. I have tried it and it worsen my skin condition. I have acne problems many years ago and it has reduced after I used ';Nardia'; product range which you can find in some beauty salon or you can buy some local Chinese magazine to check out their advertisement on the nearest branch near to your house. I have tried their oil control product mix with my own facial cleanser. It helps to control oil and reduced pimples but it cannot 100% cure my blackheads problem. It's a bit drying to my skin too.

    After using Nardia, my skin is less sensitive and so I changed to low budget products such as Nutox, Clerasil, Cosway, Livisa but it still doesn't cure my blackheads.

    Now, I am using ';Cellnique'; pro sebum gel which control white and black heads and it works tremendously. My skin is clearer and no more breakouts. Even if there is breakout, it is not visible cos it dry up very fast after applying the gel. I think the gel help to control our skin oil and cleanse deep inside our pores. I come across ';Cellnique'; thru some flyers which some beauty salon advertised. Then by accident, I saw the product in SASA. So one day, I went to SASA, Penang and ask about the product and it cost about RM139.00 per bottle. They have money back guarantee within 14 days, if you are not satisfied with the result. Therefore, no harm trying. If not good, just return the product and get back your money.

    So, I would suggest you go to SASA or beauty salon that sell ';Cellnique'; brand range. Let the sales girl introduce you to their products. For me, Cellnique the best product I have ever tried since my early 20's. For your information, I'm in the 30's now. So you can imagine how many products I have tried and felt dissappointed of. No kidding. I will try Cellnique's other product range soon. Hope you try it too. You may log in to for more information. (P/S: Don't buy online cos the price is much higher)
    Hi Smart and Good

    Here are some real answers on skin conditions. Remedies at the bottom. Cleansing the body of toxins is the key. Especially a colon cleanse! Educate yourself on detoxifying the blood.

    Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman N.D. - ';What is your skin trying to tell you? Often the skin is a metaphor for deeper issues and a way for your body to send up a red flag to warn you that all is not well underneath. When our skin is unhealthy it is usually a reflection of the internal state of our bodies, and is often a sign of poor elimination of toxins and waste products. Most of us are embarrassed by skin problems such as rashes, rosacea, boils or acne, especially in places where others can see our imperfections. The skin is the body's first line of defense against the environment. It has to deal with the effects of weather, sun , cold, heat, dryness, humidity, scrapes, bumps, soaps, detergents, chemicals, perspiration and dirt of all kinds. It is a wonder that our skin stays healthy most of the time! We can help our skin deal with this onslaught by optimizing our general health and by protecting our skin from harsh environmental exposure. Western medicine generally treats skin eruptions with either antibiotics, cortisone, or antifungal preparations. These medicines may alleviate the skin problem temporarily, or occasionally for good, but do not address the source of the problem. Putting a lid on skin symptoms without getting to the root of the imbalance may even result in suppression, that means the imbalance may be driven deeper causing more serious health problems later without ever strengthening the underlying vital force of the person. Fortunately, naturopathic medicine offers a wide vareity of effective treatments for skin problems.';

    Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman N.D. - ';Your skin is a reflection of how well your body is eliminating the toxins that build up on a daily basis. Chronic skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis stem from a combination of genetic factors, immune stress, dietary deficiencies or sensitivities, and the accumulation of toxins in the body. For our skin to be radiant and clear, it is very important that the other organs of elimination (kidneys, liver, lungs, and colon) are cleansing the body effectively. If not, the skin will be overtaxed, pores will become clogged, and eruptions of one sort or another will result. Here are a number of steps you can take to improve your body's overall elimination wtih specific emphasis on your skin.';

    Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin. Juice Fasting is the world's most ancient and natural healing mechanism. Fasting triggers a truly wondrous cleansing process that reaches right down to each and every cell and tissue in the body.

    Learn more about Therapeutic Fasting and Detoxification - Colon Cleansing is the main step. Must remove the toxins from the colon, so the toxins dont get in the blood and cause illness and disease.

    Natural Cures

    1. Fruits and Vegetables for Acne: Carrot %26amp; spinach, celery %26amp; watercress, grapefruit juices are all useful to combat acne.

    2. Unwholesome Foods: Acne, a prevalent problem among teen-aged boys would not be possible in our society if our foods were wholesome. A most sad and disgusting sight is the pus-filled pimples due to inner toxicity --- wastes trying desperately to escape through the face. This condition often turns a gentle face in the blossom of youth into a waste dump of pimples, pus and subsequent pock marks which can be prevented. The tons of acne medications and prescriptions sold annually act only on the effect of the harmful food, and not the cause of the disease, malnutrition. The traditional teenage meal, a grease burger, french fries and a milk shake or cola simply does not provide enough nourishment for anyone, let alone a boy going through puberty to adulthood. Our highly processed foods are devoid of hormones found in fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. Must do a colon cleanse to rid of all the toxins in the body, which eventually get into the blood and cause acne and all other diseases.

    3. Cabbage: Apply a lotion of freshly prepared cabbage juice preceded, if desired, by the application of leaves. The eating of cabbage leaves or juice is also helpful.

    4. Lemon Juice: Skin problems such as acne... will often respond to a treatment of lemon juice. For blackheads rub lemon juice over them each night.

    5. Black Walnut: Externally, Black Walnut is nearly a miracle worker in cases of ...acne, dandruff, boils, itch, shingles, ringworm--we could go on, but you can see that you can use Black Walnut whenever a skin disorder appears! The tincture is an excellent first-aid remedy for wounds.

    Best of health to you
    Not heard of it. Try this simple remedy. Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the acne like soap. The secret of keeping the skin clear is to keep it oil-free and clean. Check out for more useful info.

    Are Rive Krispy Treats bad for acne?

    They taste really good and have a lot of vitamins. Are they bad for acne because they're sweet? They have like 20% of the DV of some vitamins. Are Rive Krispy Treats bad for acne?
    Acne is more associated with greasy or fatty foods. Although you should watch your sugars for other reasons, acne is often not one of them. As for the vitamins, 20% isn't a whole lot but it is better than nothingAre Rive Krispy Treats bad for acne?
    If u stick it to your face. Make homeade. They are much healthier and taste better! Rice Krispies are to sweet, thats why i make homeade

    Acne on lips So I am having this issue, I have bad acne on my lips, preticularly on my vagina lips.?

    Is this normal , does anyone else out here have this. I have a fettish popping the pimples that surround my juicy lips. It is causing scars and I am thinking about having sex soon. Do you think my boyrfiend will get grossed out by the bumby acne on my vagina. I am scared.Acne on lips So I am having this issue, I have bad acne on my lips, preticularly on my vagina lips.?
    Ummm, that's a ...unique... fetish lol.

    You're going to have to stop popping them though. One, that can't be sanitary and two, that's kind of unclean looking.

    If you're not properly cleansing down there, that could be a result of the acne. You need to make sure you're making it a point to keep clean in that area. Believe me, no one and i repeat, no one, will find sex with you very pleasurable if you can't even keep yourself cleansed.

    If you do wash down there regularly, but the acne isn't going away, either go to a dermatologist or your OB/GYN (not sure which one would handle this sort of thing) and ask them for recommendations/topical cream/etc.

    And to answer your question, yes, I have a feeling your boyfriend will be quite grossed out by the sight of acne down there.

    Forget the fetish: if you intend on having sex EVER, get to work on a cleansing regimen!Acne on lips So I am having this issue, I have bad acne on my lips, preticularly on my vagina lips.?
    Yeah, most likely. I know I would mostly because he can never be sure that It's just acne. He could think it could be herpes or any of that stuff. Either have it be pitch black when you have sex so he cant see, or just stop the habit of popping them. It makes more acne come up and scars. Just try not looking down there for pimples. Keep your eyes up when u happen to be naked haha.
    good question

    What can i do about bad acne?

    i am a 14 year old female.

    i dont hav tht much acne on my face, but on my chest its real bad.

    i cant wear singlets and im really self concious.

    im sick of it. im allergic to all the creams i hav tried. i tried pills as well. nothin seems to work.

    i want it to clear before my birthday in about a month so i can hit the beach in bikinis and feel comfortable.

    any suggestions?

    pleaseeeWhat can i do about bad acne?
    My skin is very sensitive too, but if you take my advice this really does work. Go to a whole market food store and get a pound of strawberry tops and some lavender. Take about a tablespoon of both a boil them. Pour it into a big bowl, place a towel over your head and place your face over the bowl. I know this seems weird but your letting your face sweat out all the things that causes acne. It smells good and you can even add some other scents like cucumber and stuff but you've got to let your face steam over the bowl for at least 45 minutes. By the time your done you'll see the results immediately. Be sure to drink water but other than that this trick is great. It is an old Chinese trick of the trade my Grandma taught me and after you do it once use different things and experiment with sutff. It's a herbal treatment.What can i do about bad acne?
    i am also a 14 year old female and i also have pimples on my back,face and chest,it is really hard to not expose them but they are slowly going away. I usually wash my face and chest with an Apricot Scrub with warm water, after washing I use an acne cream which is from the pharmacy called Oxy5 and it really helped cleanse my skin and the results are absolutely promising
    well have you tryed pro active???

    or clean and clear
    Did you try prescription pills or vitamins? I take this dietary supplement for skin and immune health that works wonders on my skin. It's called L-Lysine. You should definitely try it. You can either take 2-500mg pills per day (on empty stomach) or 1-1000mg pill per day.
    try to make sure the skin is free of oil by regualr cleaning
    An acne problem can be due to many reasons. Mainly an increased secretion of male sex hormone Androgen creates the problem. There are many acne remedies for the treatment. These acne remedies are effective along with a parallel treatment procedure of medicines. Nothing can stop acne totally, because it is a natural process. Acne remedies can be two types, Home acne remedies and herbal acne remedies.

    A Proven Way To Permanently Clear Skin In Just Three Days, Look Better, Feel Better, And Have A Renewed Sense of Self-Esteem!
    well try washing the acne with head %26amp; shoulders

    Would you rather be fat with clear skin, or be fit with bad acne?

    Fit with bad skin, because alot of people go through acne and people cannot judge you for it. fat people can be judged easily by others. also acne clears up and isnt harmful to your health- whereas being obese is!Would you rather be fat with clear skin, or be fit with bad acne?
    fit with bad skin, you can always put on makeupWould you rather be fat with clear skin, or be fit with bad acne?
    Neither. I eat healthily and get good skin and be slim.

    I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and a hour brisk walk 5 times a week, and I have lost 31lbs/14kg and gained better health. I am now maintaining my 108lbs/49kg for more than a year, with more fruits and complex carbs.

    Details such as my experience, meals, recipes, foods to buy, reading labels, walking as an exercise and to shape the body etc etc, are in my blog.

    Fit with bad skin!
    fit with bad skin
    fit with bad acne. Acne can always be resolved by things like proactiv. To be fat makes you have a higher chance of cholesterol, heart diease, and much more.
    with bad acne ...

    if it's a phase ... but if it's with you for the rest of your life, than fat with perfect skin - you can always diet!
  • lip balm
  • OK heres the deal my boyfriend has really bad acne on his chest and on his back....?

    We've tried everything to help does anyone have any suggestions?OK heres the deal my boyfriend has really bad acne on his chest and on his back....?
    hot water and baking soda.OK heres the deal my boyfriend has really bad acne on his chest and on his back....?
    I have found that anything with a system is key. Like first wash your face and because that throws off the ph in your skin you have to put it back in with a moisturizer. But nothing with oil. I went to a Arbonne party and a consultant was there saying this. It could be that he needs to heal from the inside out. So buying one that has pills in it sounds like what he needs to do. Unfortunately it's not real cheap, but I think you can have a refund. You might want to check that out. My sister has just bought me a set of stuff from Marykay because we both have bad acne and she said it has taken her acne completely away which is hard to believe with how bad it was, but I will see. Don't know what it's called. The Arbonne acne link is below.
    I think as long as you love him and like his personality and also don't care about what other people think about you stay with him.have you tried proactive?i know it is used for face and everything but it might work out.
    You can spend a fortune on all these products they have to sell but anyone I have ever known has used plain old rubbing alcohol.After you use this buy a natural moisturizing cream to keep it moist naturally.'s supposedly the mother of all treatments. You have to get your blood checked every month and there are a lot of side effects including some that affect your liver.

    How to clear up bad acne in 2 weeks. and clear up scars?

    I have an acne cure that has won me the best answer three times. Each time, the person said it worked great. I'll copy and paste it below.

    Use a hot compress on it, and then use cool water to close the pores. Do the process over and over again, about five or six times. Use soap to wash the area, and then treat it with an alcohol soaked cotton ball. It should be gone within five to six hours.How to clear up bad acne in 2 weeks. and clear up scars?
    Glad I could help. Use the treatment about two more times, and it should be gone. Report Abuse
    How to clear up bad acne in 2 weeks. and clear up scars?
    If you acne is really bad you will probably want to go to the doctors for antibiotics to help clear it up as acne is caused by the staph bacteria. As for the scars.............those will have to be taken care of by a dermatologist.
    For scars i'd recommend bio-oil =) Fantastic stuff!

    Found out about this through a cutter i know, she says it's probably the best stuff she's come across really. Not exactly cheap, but worth it. I'm sure Boots sell it :)
    to clear up scars you could try microdermabrasion but it could be pricey and might look only a little better. just cover those up with makeup, i'd say.

    for acne the best way to improve it is to see a dermatologist and get perscreiptions.

    but you said 2 weeks so i'd just get some face wash with 10% benzoyl peroxide in it, unless your skin gets dried out, then get a lower %. and use Clearasil ointment at night and in the morning.

    i've tried Proactiv in the past and it did NOTHING. only made my acne worse.
    Try washing your face daily with a wash that has benzoyl peroxide or go to your doctor and ask if you can be referred to a dermatologist who is an expert at these things. They can also help with scars.
    proactive works great! my mom and my brother love it

    the scar issue i can't help you with tho im sorry
    dont buy products for acne as it wud not do nefing but clean ur face!!!! DR are good dey give u antibiotics and a lotion for it.

    i thought acne leaves dents aswell as scars :S
    well when i had acne i did not care but it begane to go out of control so i washed my face %26amp; cut of on junk food like chocolate lots of wax in chocolate.i use clean %26amp; clear under control works great but it burned lots when i used for the scar's see a dermatologist for that......i hope this helps.
    You can't in two weeks. As for scars, they're pretty much permanent.
    Try herbal medicine they are excellent for aches pains and acne and such ailments.

    I have bad acne on my chest and back that gets worse just before my period (I'm28) Is there anything I can do?

    Ok ME too! I have the same thing, except it's on my chest only. My doctor put me on some stuff called Duac. It's a topical gel, and I use it all the time on my breakouts. It's helped out a lot, especially around my period.

    Good luck!I have bad acne on my chest and back that gets worse just before my period (I'm28) Is there anything I can do?
    Hard to say. Are you active (meaning do you work out frequently or participate in sports)? I am a male and I used to get it bad on my chest and back. Especially after a workout. Two things were recommended. The first is to shower after being active using the Nutrogena Body scrub and soft brush. Rub this on your chest and back especially. Next is to where loose cotton fitted shirts. This may or may not apply to you. I am not sure if you wear tight tank tops, bras, etc..

    I am sure male and female skin is different but I would spend the 5 bucks on the Nutrogena, give it a shot and see what happens and you will smell good too..I have bad acne on my chest and back that gets worse just before my period (I'm28) Is there anything I can do?
    I used to have an acute case of acne when I was younger for many years; it covered

    my face, back, chest and posterior. I eventually healed myself without the use of

    drugs. I cured myself through DIET.

    -This is what you should avoid/elminate:

    fried foods

    White bread/flour

    starch combinations during the same meal (e.g. potatoes and pasta)

    soda/carbonated drinks

    sugar/corn syrup


    soft foods (processed foods)

    hydrogenated oils (in processed foods)

    -you should increase your intake of:

    fruits/vegetables, preferably organic (you should have a salad a day, at the least)

    8 glasses of water a day

    whole foods

    black and/or brown bread (whole grains)


    -you should have a balance, of 80% alkaline forming foods, to 20% acid forming

    foods. (mostly fruits and vegetables)


    Basically, your eliminations are poor/sluggish; thats is why some people can get

    away with eating badly, but you may not. The reason changing your diet to the foods

    below will help is because your eating foods that are much easier to digest and

    elminate than those above.

    I would check out Edgar Cayce; without his advice I would probably still suffer


    He also said you can help yourself through osteopathic adjustments to your spine,

    he said this can create imbalances in your nervous system (if it isn't in proper

    adjustment) which will affect everything else. I haven't done this yet, as it is

    expensive; but I assume when I do, I will be able to better digest the

    aforementioned foods. Through DIET ALONE I have been cured for a number of years.

    Don't believe the people who say it doesn't effect it, I swear to god this will

    help. It helped me. =) good luck!
    just got to the dermetologist

    my sister had acne on her chest

    She got medicine from the dermetologist

    her acne was gone in 3-4 weeks

    nothing is there now.
    Go to the dermatologist. Acne can be related to hormones during menstruatal cycle. He/she will decide which medications are the best for you. Also some types of OCPs can also cause acne so think about this too!
    You can check out the Morning Burst products from Clean and Clear, they have body wash products for acne on other parts of the body. You can also change your diet, drink more water, that sort of thing and it will help.

    Is it bad to take antibiotics for acne?

    So my dermatologist just put me on Doxycycline, but so many people have been telling me to avoid this in case i got a disease and i would not be immune to it. Also, the side effects are kind of scary the vomiting, depression, yellow teeth...

    My dermatologist said she's been taking this for 22 years, so there are no worries...but after doing some research i was just very curious.Is it bad to take antibiotics for acne?
    it's hard to say without knowing how fair any ';studies'; are. Oftentimes they're very one-sided to make you, the consumer, choose a product (or choose another one instead).

    The best thing to do would be to get a second opinion from another doctor or pharmacist. They know a lot about these medicines and might be able to help you out.

    Also, remember that just because one person's been taking a medication for 22 years doesn't mean that it's safe for you. People are all made up differently, so you COULD still have those potential reactions.Is it bad to take antibiotics for acne?
    try visit this blog specialized in acne

    Acupuncture for acne or general bad skin?

    Has anyone received acupuncture as a treatment for poor skin? What were the results like? How many sessions did you have and how much did it cost?Acupuncture for acne or general bad skin?
    While acupuncture treatments can help with skin conditions, I have found that Chinese herbal formulas and nutritional changes based on Chinese Medicine Theory in conjunction with Acupuncture works much, much better.

    The number of sessions and cost will vary based respectively on your specific case and where you are located.

    I am 35 yrs old and I've been having really bad acne, I don't remember having acne this bad when I was a teen

    ager, is there something out there I can use that will actually help, right now preferabbly (spelling) cheap I have a daughter in highschool who is graduating soon and boy has this Sr year been very expensive, so something that will not make break me more than what I am now. What causes this? Any suggestions that will help? please and much thanks!I am 35 yrs old and I've been having really bad acne, I don't remember having acne this bad when I was a teen
    Proactive didn't work for me, which was super disapointing. Im 22 years old, with moderate acne (but I've had it since I was 16). Everyone will have some kind of different advice since different things work for everyone. But some of the basic acne prevention habits are sometimes the easiest to make sure you are

    a) Changing sheets and pillow cases often (every night for pillow cases)

    b) Not overwashing your skin. Keep things gentle.

    c) Not picking at your face or force popping pimples.

    d) Using fresh make up applicators (buying new foam wedges or washing your cosmetic rounds often with an antibacterial soap and letting them dry).

    e) Drinking lots of water and taking vitamins regularly.

    f) Keeping your hands off your face.

    Good luck!

    p.s - since you are sort of new to this (or its been a while), make sure you avoid all of the quickie remedies that some people will give you. Toothpaste for example actually clogs and irritates skin when you leave it on overnight. If you havn't tried Proactive then maybe you should. It has helped a lot of people, as well as dissapointed many. But its worth trying, and money might be tight, but a good skin care system is worth the price, even if you have to cut back in other areas.

    I pray you the best of luck! Acne is a horrible thing, and we all empathize.I am 35 yrs old and I've been having really bad acne, I don't remember having acne this bad when I was a teen
    check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Acne-pimple cure/

    Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/face packs鈥?/a>

    Natural Homemade Tips for Hair %26amp; Skin鈥?/a>
    Causes can be diet, stress and lack of water to flush out toxins from your body.

    A great facial cleanser is powdered milk! Mix a little with some water to form a paste. Gently massage, then rinse with BARELY warm water. This is cheap and effective in clearing debris from your face while not stripping away your natural oils like commercial products.

    Below is a link I found for natural skin care! I really like using natural ingredients for my skin.
    I am 31 and I've been having really bad acne lately as well. I too don't remember having it much (if at all) as a teen. The thing that works for me is Dove facial cleansing cloths. They always have coupons for them in the Sunday paper and you can cut them in half to save even more money. I cut them in half because there is plenty of soap in them to use only half the sheet at a time. Use them for a couple of weeks and you should have nice, clear skin again!
    You should probably see a dermatologist, your insurance may cover it fairly well. Otherwise, try natural remedies, like this honey mask. Honey is really good for acne, because it moisturizes without making skin oily.

    2 tbs raw unprocessed honey

    1 tsp cosmetic clay

    2 drops lavender essential oil
    try the clearasil vanishing creme it is a rectangular little box and you just apply it on the acne and in time it will start vanishing it will start working as soon as you apply it, it is not expensive!
    Seriously buy proactiv and stick to it
    It's ADULT acne, perhaps caused by stress...

    I know someone who used to suffer from SEVERE acne for 14 YEARS and she finally got rid of it completely. She's actually sharing her success story at her site:

    So many inspirational facts you can find there to hopefully fight your acne ;-)

  • lip balm
  • Would you kiss someone who has bad acne on there face?

    When you are mature you see that real beauty is from the insideWould you kiss someone who has bad acne on there face?
    That is when paperbag comes into play. If I'm that horny and left out only with a single girl, one of the most spectacular inventions after moon rocket; paperbag would make my day. Tho when cutting out the mouth part on paperbag, u have to be careful enough to cut it out without making the acne visible. Also paperbag has to be chosen carefully so that you wont get papercuts all around your lips.Would you kiss someone who has bad acne on there face?
    I take it your boyfriend has spots. Don't worry about these things you should be grateful anyone pays you any attention at all.
    THEIR! And if she was a dashed foxy filly then I probably would.
    if i loved them.
    no,,coz that person might infect me...
    if iwas drunk
    I kissed you, didn't I?
    no sorry I don't think i could.

    I'm very ashamed ;-(

    Alright ive got bad acne, what do i do?

    ive tried neutrogena, oxy and stridex and they all dont work for me.. is there anything that works better?Alright ive got bad acne, what do i do?
    Proactive works very good, my 14 year old son has had excellent success with it. Try it, Good Luck.Alright ive got bad acne, what do i do?
    there's a product called beautiful skin that may help you. i think they're running some special promotion now, 30 days free trial or something.
    How about drinking more Fresh water ... and by the way it is not Ever used as a lubricant in Condoms as you said in your last answer...get your facts right before you answer other peoples questions... KY jelly is the only water based lubricant for that purpose and that was not the subject !

    No fried food ...all fresh and Tomatoes are an excellent antioxident along with Garlic as a blood cleanser...otherwise it's all down to genetic's and your hormones....A little aftershave helps dry them out so they go faster but a non greasey diet is essential... and avoid Dairy product's especially if your male.

    Good Luck.x
    Pro Activ might help. See a dermatologist.
    consult a physician and ask him/her for roaccutane. its the only permenant treatment for acne.
    The bes thing to do if u wanna get rid of it quick just go see a dermatologist they look at ur skin and tell u exactly what u need
    tell your mom to take you to the doctor
    honestly this question is getting on my nerves....


    I don't know what you face looks like....

    I have SUPER bad acne! Recently i tried four things at once. Is this healthy?

    Ok i have had bad ance since i was 7 and im 13. Even my dermitologist said it was the worst he has ever seen! So i got really sick and tired of it so i tried all my skin medicne at the same time. I used Skin Id, Proactive, The Wave, and that Clean and clear stuff. It has cleared up SO much since i have been using all four of them. But is it healthy? Help!I have SUPER bad acne! Recently i tried four things at once. Is this healthy?
    I use clearasil. It works for me. I think its not good to mix skin meds.. you should definitely ask your doctor about using meds all at the same time. for me, i think you should only use one brand. here's some other guidelines for you to follow. i hope it would help.I have SUPER bad acne! Recently i tried four things at once. Is this healthy?
    no. it is really bad for you. it will make your acne worse in the long run, actually.

    and DONT click on Boris' link. it's spam.

    p.s. it's dermAtologist. wow.
    Treatment for Moderate to Severe Inflammatory Acne

    People with moderate to severe inflammatory acne may be treated with prescription topical or oral medicines, alone or in combination.

    Prescription Topical Medicines

    Several types of prescription topical medicines are used to treat acne. They include:

    鈥?Antibiotics - help stop or slow the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation

    鈥?Vitamin A derivatives (retinoids) - unplug existing comedones (plural of comedo), allowing other topical medicines, such as antibiotics, to enter the follicles. Some may also help decrease the formation of comedones. These drugs contain an altered form of vitamin A. Some examples are tretinoin (Retin-A2), adapalene (Differin), and tazarotene (Tazorac)

    鈥?Others - may destroy P. acnes and reduce oil production or help stop or slow the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation. Some examples are prescription strength Benzoyl peroxide, sodium sulfacetamide/sulfur-containing products, or Azelaic acid (Azelex).

    Like OTC topical medicines, prescription topical medicines come as creams, lotions, solutions, gels, or pads. Your doctor will consider your skin type when prescribing a product. Creams and lotions provide moisture and tend to be good choices for people with sensitive skin. If you have very oily skin or live in a hot, humid climate, you may prefer an alcohol-based gel or solution, which tends to dry the skin. Your doctor will tell you how to apply the medicine and how often to use it.

    For some people, prescription topical medicines cause minor side effects, including stinging, burning, redness, peeling, scaling, or discoloration of the skin. With some medicines, such as tretinoin, these side effects usually decrease or go away after the medicine is used for a period of time. If side effects are severe or don't go away, notify your doctor.

    As with OTC medicines, the benefits of prescription topical medicines are not immediate. Your skin may seem worse before it gets better. It may take from 4 to 8 weeks to notice improvement.

    How do i get rid of bad acne?

    home remedies for bad acneHow do i get rid of bad acne?
    Egg White Facial

    Simply separate a few raw egg whites into a bowl and apply directly on the facial skin after cleansing. Let the egg white dry for 10-20 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water for an instant glow.

    Egg Yolk Mask

    Simply stir up 1 egg yolk very well. Apply all over face for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

    Carrot Mask

    Cook two carrots until able to be mashed with a fork. Spread evenly over face and allow to dry. Rinse with tepid water.

    Cucumber Mask

    A small amount of mashed cucumber applied over the face will hydrate and refresh. Leave on face up to twenty minutes and rinse. Place a couple slices over the eyes for soothing eye treatment at the same time!

    Oatmeal Scrub

    Oatmeal when mashed not only acts as a great scrub but also effectively soaks away the excess oil from your face. The usage of oatmeal paste must be followed by a cold water rinse that helps in contracting the pores.

    Baking Soda Scrub

    You can use baking soda as an exfoliator: be careful when applying it to your face, since it is a very effective scrub. Massage the baking soda into your skin for ten to fifteen seconds and rinse.

    Seawater Wash

    Wash your face twice a day in warm, salty water.


    Use Neosporin on stubborn whiteheads, pimples, and/or scars overnight to help clear and heal skin.How do i get rid of bad acne?
    Try tea tree oil. It's a very good natural antiseptic and works on scars, acne, burns and most skin conditions. It is reasonably priced and you don't even need a base oil for it as it can be used neat. You can also add 5 drops to a bowl of hot water and steam your face, works very well. Hope this helps :)
    Some people say that the leading cause of bad acne is stress, and I believe it's true. Just calm down and relax when you start to tense up and start to stress over small things.

    Secondly, wash your face everyday regularly after you brush in the morning and in the night.

    I don't know much of any home remedies to curing acne, but I hope I helped with that bit of a porportion.

    %26amp;%26amp;Take Care

    drink lemon juice every morning. it clears your liver and makes your skin better! i just got ';best answer'; for this link this morning from someone else with the same problem.
    I had the same issue as you last year. :( it sucks, but here's some ways to help.

    -don't touch your face with your hands at all. and wash your hands as much as possible.

    -if you use make up, clean your make up brushes

    -wash your face twice a day with a good acne wash. neutrogena works well.

    -don't pick

    -steam your face with boiling water about twice a week.

    -if you can go out and buy it, its about 8$, try neutrogena spot treatment. and just put it on your effected areas before bed. the product promises results in 8 hours. its the only spot treatment i use

    -wash your pillowcase

    -keep your hair away from your face when your sleeping. pin your bangs back so it wont get on your face

    - after working out or gym class, since your sweating, try to wash your face as soon as possible.

    hope this works :)

    Has anyone used an acne medicine called tretinoin and had a bad reaction?

    It has been over six months since I've used it and still have a recurring dry,red patch on my face.Will this heal?Has anyone had a similar experience,and what was helpful?Has anyone used an acne medicine called tretinoin and had a bad reaction?
    yeah, i went on it a year ago for severe acne ad to this day my skin is so irritated and gets those patches, when i told my doctor about it she said to stay off it and had me get this calming cream that worked well...i recommend itHas anyone used an acne medicine called tretinoin and had a bad reaction?
    tretinoin is the generic for Retin-A

    if you still have a dry patch i suggest you try some hydrocortisone to see if that will clear up this patchy problem... retin-a is used extensively for acne, and then also for women who have concerns about wrinkles it is the acid of vitamin a derivative. It is very photo sensitive and can cause extreme hyperpigmentation when out doors and exposed to the sun so even now you should still keep mindful to use a sunfactor of 25 or greater and a conditioning lotion for your skin( do not know what type of skin you have but iff it is oily there are oil free ones on the market)

    Do you have the blue one which is 0.05% or the red one with is 0.1%???

    Help me!!! I have really bad acne on my back, shoulders, and chest!!!?

    I have these red zits and spots on my back and shoulders and the top part of my arm, and on my breasts.They get white and yellow and I pop them (force of habit!!!). The skin around the blemishes is oily, and I have tried everything!!! Please help me with inexpensive or homemade cures or treatments--- I am desperate!!!Help me!!! I have really bad acne on my back, shoulders, and chest!!!?
    i think you should try pro-active it is a little expensive but it worked for me on my face.i had when i was young but they did not have anything then.i do not know about your back but should.I hope this helps because it could lead to worse problems later on.
    Try using a clay mask on your back once a week. It will help you control the oil and it will bring the impurities to the surface, where you can scrub them gently off with a sugar scrub and warm water.
  • lip balm
  • Ever noticed how in the 30's 40's 50's people didnt have that bad of acne?

    what did they use in their fash washing methods? was it due to food intake differences than now? whenever i see a picture of someone from back then, they have amazing skin!Ever noticed how in the 30's 40's 50's people didnt have that bad of acne?
    it was because of good clean living,the great depression,nuclear testing,bread lines,Ward and June Cleaver.Things were so much simpler thenEver noticed how in the 30's 40's 50's people didnt have that bad of acne?
    Like most of the people answer: the true behind your question is that on those years none of the crap (chemicals, pesticides, additivies, preservatives, etc) weren't used on vegetables, fruits, and/or any food. We need to learn how to eat healthy, that is the key to have a beautiful skin, and better health at all. So, drink lot of water, eat lot of fruits and vegetables... and watch how your skin will change... and who knows... some pounds drops from your body..... Good Luck!
    That's cause no one bothered to keep the pictures of the people with acne.
    its probably becasue they dont have all of the crap we have today, like alot of stress and differnt formulas and what not technology has changed everything... i guess even skin :P

    REALLY good point though :]
    The food back then was a pure form , and not all these additives and preservatives that your body doesn't need. There toxic to the body and toxic food break you out . Try to eat all natural foods, that's best .
    their food had fewer chemicals, less pollution in the air/water, healthier lifestyles
    Keep in mind that black and white photos don't show acne as well as colour photos.
    i have no idea but whenever i look at the pictures today all the models have perfect skin its called make up. but what i use is neutregena or however you spell it but especially the scrubs it makes my face feel crisp, clean, and clear
    It's probably because I never used the products you guys are using. I tanned every chance I got. I slept by the pool without sunblock. I slept on the beach during the day when I worked night work because I found the sound of the waves very relaxing. I still tan every chance I get. My skin isn't leathery or rough, or trashed. I'm just starting to get some lines and the indication of a wrinkle or two. I didn't have the money for the products - as a foster kid, I was dirt poor. I used olive oil to tan, vegetable crisco (not soy) for my legs and never had any problems. The people I knew that could afford those chemical products look like crap now. The poor kids like me that couldn't afford that garbage look fabulous compared to them.

    You kids are frying your faces with chemicals you know nothing about. And you're doing it faster than you could with kryptonite! Chemical burns with these products every single day is lowering the age of first onset of skin cancer to younger ages every year. Skin cancer is painful, ugly, scarring and gross. These chemicals cause skin cancer, kids. All it takes is for you to go out in the sun with these chemicals on your body.

    You have a choice. You can choose natural solutions that WORK BETTER and are harmless and don't contain ingredients that are used to promote skin cancer in lab animals. You don't have to use that stuff to look good - because it's only good for now. If you go natural, it's good forever.

    Stop using the chemicals for one week. Try a bar of natural soap, some witch hazel and a bit of vegetable oil. The same stuff we used that made us look so good - and we still look good. The chemical users of my day look bad.

    It's your choice.

    My email box is open on my profile. Just click my picture.

    Im 13 and have bad acne how can i get rid of it?

    at your age... it is normal for you to have acne.. you should go to a dermatology... for me.. don't try using products that promises to make your skin free from acne because some of them may damage your skin leaving much more trouble..Im 13 and have bad acne how can i get rid of it?
    I'm 13 too, I use Clinique it works really good! And without using medicine or soap if you go swimming about 4 days a week that can really clean your face!! good luck!Im 13 and have bad acne how can i get rid of it?
    PROACTIVE!!!!!!! or go and see your local dermatologist!!!!
    i have the worst acne too but i heard that birth control clears you up, also go to a dermantologist
    Let one of yo boy friends nut on your face
    MURAD is expensive but it works ask your parents to get it for you. I hear proactive works for some people. Other than that, make sure you wash twice a day using a face wash like clean and clear. I use clean and clear deep action cream cleanser and leave it on for about 5 minutes. I then use their astringent. i see they have an invisible acne treatment and seems like it might be similar to the $50 murad treatment.

    cut back on foundations and coverups.

    also an inexpensive facial steam can help clear up black heads. i use one for about 5 minutes every other day.

    you can clear up your acne but you have to be vigilant.

    good luck.

    many blessings
    Try washing your face with a mild soap and very warm water SEVERAL times a day. If your skin is consistently too oily then at least you'll cut down on the dirt which will create pimples.
    Proactive, Murad etc. all that didn't work for me I tried EVERYTHING. I highly suggest seeing a dermatologist. They gave me oral medication and cream and my face is starting to heal realitively quickly.
    I went to a dermatologist for years and have tried proactive. My doctor finally suggested Clinique's three-step system and its worked the BEST.

    Try Clinique.
    Proactive is good I have heard. But when i had gotten a really bad acne attack I couldn't afford proactive, and I didn't have the time or devotion to deal with the dermatologist. But I got Acne Free it is sold at walmart and it is by the face wash products. It is about 18.00 for the three step program (it is equal to the proactive treatment). I have not had any problems and it really did solve my acne flare up. I am very pleased and tell everyone to try it. My sister is 15 and she has horrible acne my mom has paid alot of money to get treatment and it never worked but when she started Acne Free her faced has never been this clear, she is happy!! Try it!!
    Proactive or Aloe Vera.
    Try using noxzema. I used it when I was a teen and again when I got pregnant and my skin went nuts on me. Wash with it two times a day (am and pm) after you wash, rub some gently into your skin, especially at night, it will help sooth the skin and reduce the pimples. The stuff is great. I even use it on my sons eczema. That is actually where the name came from, a doctor invented it for his patients with eczma and one came in and started calling it the no-eczma cream...thus...noxzema!
    moderate to severe acne can be treated most effectively by a dermotologist. Don't waste $$ on over the counter products, go get the good stuff from a doc! IT WILL WORK BETTER!
    Try proactive solution or have your mom take you to the dermatologist.
    a lot of this crap that people are talking about doesnt work, try birth control pills. as long as you have started ur period u can take them.

    My boyfriend has really bad Acne on his back and chest, does anyone have any tips? I mean its horrible!!!!?

    He has a realllllly hot body and all, but the acne is his only problem. I still love him and dont mind seeing him with a shirt off ;) but Id love it if his skin was clearer.My boyfriend has really bad Acne on his back and chest, does anyone have any tips? I mean its horrible!!!!?
    ohh i got something from my doctor

    its called: erythromycin topical solution usp 2%

    i think u should ask him to go see a doctor and ask the doctor if he could write a pescription for it

    trust me it works

    i had some acne on my back and it cleared up after using it

    make him use it after he showersMy boyfriend has really bad Acne on his back and chest, does anyone have any tips? I mean its horrible!!!!?
    he could stop taking steroids...or even take more showers with plain soap not deodorant soap. If he is shaving his body hair for somw odd reason, they could simply be from razor burn.

    Try acne soaps that have benzoyl perozide in them. Eat better (avoiding sugar is huge). Or even change his washing machine soap or softener.

    Remember acne typically goes away with time...people stay ugly forever.
    usually a change of soap in the shower will work.

    you can also try anti-acne kits or creams (clearasil, neutrogena, etc.)

    as far as home remedies go, you could even apply toothpaste to the problem areas (small amounts!)
    Acnezine Solution is a Revolutionary Acne Skin Care System Formulated to Treat Acne from the Inside-Out
    eat healthy drink lots of water try to eliminate pop, mabye wash your face once or twice a day. if its that bad i say go to a dermitoligist, my brother had it all over him and we had to get pills for that
    Just need to scrub the area thoroughly everyday, you can apply some acne treatment prescribed by his doctor but he must keep his upper body clean and dry. More so then anywhere else.
    ive been battling acne, now its pretty much gone. I had it on my back quite allot and a bit on my chest. but the tablets the doc gave me cleared up my face as well as my body.
    I used to get that (I'm a woman) and it would always clear up when I went in the sun. Why doesn't he go to a dermatologist? Its really cool how you understand it. Thats really sweet.
    Believe it or not, regular LISTERINE mouth wash applied directly on the acne with a cotton ball will help clear it up.

    So will Tetracycline antibiotics.
    i had a problem with this, and then bought that Proactiv stuff. Within 3 weeks it was all gone. That stuff does work! just buy the trial around 20 dollars, then cancel! it does work!
    get him to go to the doctors and ask for

    tetracycline tablets they will do a good job and taken long term they are effective
    Shower more frequently.
    A hot body with lots of acne...Sounds like a strange fetish to me
    my friend said that drinking water helps, im not sure if that's true or not though.
    Eat less fatty food.
    eww umm he can use acne products

    on his body to im guessing
    get him acne free