Monday, November 21, 2011

Ever noticed how in the 30's 40's 50's people didnt have that bad of acne?

what did they use in their fash washing methods? was it due to food intake differences than now? whenever i see a picture of someone from back then, they have amazing skin!Ever noticed how in the 30's 40's 50's people didnt have that bad of acne?
it was because of good clean living,the great depression,nuclear testing,bread lines,Ward and June Cleaver.Things were so much simpler thenEver noticed how in the 30's 40's 50's people didnt have that bad of acne?
Like most of the people answer: the true behind your question is that on those years none of the crap (chemicals, pesticides, additivies, preservatives, etc) weren't used on vegetables, fruits, and/or any food. We need to learn how to eat healthy, that is the key to have a beautiful skin, and better health at all. So, drink lot of water, eat lot of fruits and vegetables... and watch how your skin will change... and who knows... some pounds drops from your body..... Good Luck!
That's cause no one bothered to keep the pictures of the people with acne.
its probably becasue they dont have all of the crap we have today, like alot of stress and differnt formulas and what not technology has changed everything... i guess even skin :P

REALLY good point though :]
The food back then was a pure form , and not all these additives and preservatives that your body doesn't need. There toxic to the body and toxic food break you out . Try to eat all natural foods, that's best .
their food had fewer chemicals, less pollution in the air/water, healthier lifestyles
Keep in mind that black and white photos don't show acne as well as colour photos.
i have no idea but whenever i look at the pictures today all the models have perfect skin its called make up. but what i use is neutregena or however you spell it but especially the scrubs it makes my face feel crisp, clean, and clear
It's probably because I never used the products you guys are using. I tanned every chance I got. I slept by the pool without sunblock. I slept on the beach during the day when I worked night work because I found the sound of the waves very relaxing. I still tan every chance I get. My skin isn't leathery or rough, or trashed. I'm just starting to get some lines and the indication of a wrinkle or two. I didn't have the money for the products - as a foster kid, I was dirt poor. I used olive oil to tan, vegetable crisco (not soy) for my legs and never had any problems. The people I knew that could afford those chemical products look like crap now. The poor kids like me that couldn't afford that garbage look fabulous compared to them.

You kids are frying your faces with chemicals you know nothing about. And you're doing it faster than you could with kryptonite! Chemical burns with these products every single day is lowering the age of first onset of skin cancer to younger ages every year. Skin cancer is painful, ugly, scarring and gross. These chemicals cause skin cancer, kids. All it takes is for you to go out in the sun with these chemicals on your body.

You have a choice. You can choose natural solutions that WORK BETTER and are harmless and don't contain ingredients that are used to promote skin cancer in lab animals. You don't have to use that stuff to look good - because it's only good for now. If you go natural, it's good forever.

Stop using the chemicals for one week. Try a bar of natural soap, some witch hazel and a bit of vegetable oil. The same stuff we used that made us look so good - and we still look good. The chemical users of my day look bad.

It's your choice.

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