Monday, November 21, 2011

My acne got bad when i moved to virginia and i cant get rid of it, help?

any advice or products, foods, drink anything?My acne got bad when i moved to virginia and i cant get rid of it, help?
The best stuff I have used is at They have an acne line that is awesome. They use four different acne fighting ingredients compared to one that most companies use. You can get the whole line or get one product at a time and you don't have to join a club to get it.My acne got bad when i moved to virginia and i cant get rid of it, help?
read tips on treating acne, skincare and home remedies on this site
Have you been stressed out? Stress is a big factor in acne. Also the new climate with the high humidity could do it if you are sweating a lot. I would avoid things with lots of oil or grease... Burgers, fries, deep fried anything, fried chicken... Basically anything with fried in the name. Beyond that, just keep your face clean. Wash with a gentle soap or facial clenser morning and night. Don't use excessive lotion on your face and if you must use lotion, make sure it's a facial moisturizer that is non-comedogenic (won't cause blackheads). My wife loves the Burt's Bees products for skin care, particularly the tomato soap. Go to and search for burt's bees and tomato soap.

I hope this helps!
Go to a dermatologist.......its the absolute BEST, sure fire way to cure your acne.
Drink a lot of water, and use Arbonne face products, I just did a mask like an hour ago and my face feels excellent. Good Luck
Arrange a consultation with a Dermatologist,and inquire about an effective drug for acne called : Accutane. If you wish you could probably obtain free consumer information from the manufacturer Roche Laboratories Inc,340 Kingsland Street, Nutley,NJ 07110-1199

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