Monday, November 21, 2011

Is it bad to use liquid foundation to cover up acne or cold sores?

I don't know if it'll irritate it.Is it bad to use liquid foundation to cover up acne or cold sores?
There's nothing wrong with using a bit of concealer or foundation to camouflage or hide the odd spot...however I do think they are best left untouched!! makeup will clog your pores and therefore irritate your skin further...but it honestly is up to you, if you do put makeup on your skin just make sure you wipe it off properly before you sleep to prevent further break outs. I would leave the cold sore alone though and apply only a cold sore cream to the area it should hopefully go within a few days :) goodluck hun Is it bad to use liquid foundation to cover up acne or cold sores?
It depends on the type of make-up or the person if it'll irriate the skin, so thats not a question that can be answered and be 100% true...but as far as doesn't look very great...but there is a compact from MAC called studio is a mixture of both a powder and foundation concealer. you can buy it online but I think it's a better idea to go to a MAC store to find out what color you would need

(to go along with what someone said about an oil-e-r face...the compact actually absorbs the oil on your face!!!)
it will irritate the skin, i think you should treat those problems with good face wash, exfoliator and a moisturizer and not trying to cover it up.
do not put it on cold sores. it will spread them and make them last longer.

i suggest abreva it expensive but it works wonders.
I imagine it's bad for cold sores and if the foundation isn't meant to treat acne, it won't be good for acne.
Its totally okay! It might your skin a little bit more oily but just make sure to wash your face everyday!

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