Monday, July 26, 2010

Acne on lips So I am having this issue, I have bad acne on my lips, preticularly on my vagina lips.?

Is this normal , does anyone else out here have this. I have a fettish popping the pimples that surround my juicy lips. It is causing scars and I am thinking about having sex soon. Do you think my boyrfiend will get grossed out by the bumby acne on my vagina. I am scared.Acne on lips So I am having this issue, I have bad acne on my lips, preticularly on my vagina lips.?
good questionAcne on lips So I am having this issue, I have bad acne on my lips, preticularly on my vagina lips.?
Ummm, that's a ...unique... fetish lol.

You're going to have to stop popping them though. One, that can't be sanitary and two, that's kind of unclean looking.

If you're not properly cleansing down there, that could be a result of the acne. You need to make sure you're making it a point to keep clean in that area. Believe me, no one and i repeat, no one, will find sex with you very pleasurable if you can't even keep yourself cleansed.

If you do wash down there regularly, but the acne isn't going away, either go to a dermatologist or your OB/GYN (not sure which one would handle this sort of thing) and ask them for recommendations/topical cream/etc.

And to answer your question, yes, I have a feeling your boyfriend will be quite grossed out by the sight of acne down there.

Forget the fetish: if you intend on having sex EVER, get to work on a cleansing regimen!
Yeah, most likely. I know I would mostly because he can never be sure that It's just acne. He could think it could be herpes or any of that stuff. Either have it be pitch black when you have sex so he cant see, or just stop the habit of popping them. It makes more acne come up and scars. Just try not looking down there for pimples. Keep your eyes up when u happen to be naked haha.

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