Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why do some people get such bad acne?

i'm almost 18 and i never really had BAD acne. i think when i was 13 i had quite a few pimples but never like some people i see.. some people have their whole chins and faces covered with pimples. why do they get this? i feel sorry for them..Why do some people get such bad acne?
Because they use such products that are not occulive to the skin and they contain mineral oil,perfumes, dyes, animal products, and lanoline. Then their pores get plugged and then the glands underneath the skin think their surface is dry so their glands over produce oils. Since your almost 18 you may want to check out my products from my profile and get on the best pure safe botanical products ever made and your welcome. If people would only google their ingredients they wouldn't buy such crap and i teach and train people to do just that. And your welcome Cheap or Over the counter products all contain the above ingrdients even if they spend an arm and a leg for them sad isn't it?Why do some people get such bad acne?
They dont do anything to clear it!

I've had acne all my life and i've done a lot of things to clear my face. I've bought dozens of products and i've been to the doctor. I've bought prescription meds agains acne and i manage to keep it under contorl! all the time ;)

Bad acne like my brother has is for people that never use anything and they think it'l go away on its own
Not really sure on the scientific answer, but I think it's just because some people are CURSED. And they've gone too long without trying to get rid of their acne until it completely covers their face. Keep in mind: It's easier to prevent a problem then get rid of it.

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