Thursday, July 22, 2010

I have really bad skin, huge pores, bad acne along my jaw line, and bad scaring. What should I do?

I think it depends on whether you currently follow a skin care regime or not. I would recommend that you follow a health diet, and drink lots of water. Make sure you cleanse and tone your skin twice a day, and use something that targets oily skin. Make sure you follow with moisturisation - either something for oily skin, or perhaps sensitive skin. Face masks and explofiation can help with pores, so make sure you do these approx. twice a week. Be gentle when you exfoliate - you may want to avoid your acne.

BTW - you don't always need expensive products. Companies like Olay, Dove, Nivea, L'Oreal, Avon, etc., have some really great products that don't cost the earth.

If you have the money, I would suggest having regular facials. Beauty therapists can help you with your skin issues, and provide advice on products that can help. They can also suggest if you need to see a dermatologist or not.I have really bad skin, huge pores, bad acne along my jaw line, and bad scaring. What should I do?
Try Proactiv.I have really bad skin, huge pores, bad acne along my jaw line, and bad scaring. What should I do?
The only thing I could recommend is going to see your doctor and asking him/her to recommend a dermatologist. There are a lot of ways to fix your skin depending on your needs. It may be your diet, hormones, stress etc. and they will definetly be able to identify your needs best. Whatever you do, don't waste money on drug store products. They won't work and may ulitmately make your skin worse. It's all marketing.
make sure you see a dermatologist. i'm going through the exact same thing and i've been on prescribed antibiotics for about 4 months now and my skin has really cleared up! i really noticed the difference after 2 months.

as for the scarring, mainly time can make it fade. my doctor called them ';stains'; rather than scars. They will fade over time.
There are many cheap and effective home remedies for acne. Tomato slices, turmeric, papaya juices and home made face packs will treat existing pimples and prevent further problems. More remedies at
ask ur doc for a prescription or some sample tubes of tazorac, also ask for the pills sometimesused i know one is callede minocyclene(not sure if its spelled right sorry) and thats used long term but thers also another pill that is used to clear up acne over a period of about a month or 2(but u can see results w/ in about 2 days; basically talk to a doctor/dermatologist i know how painful (phisically and mentally) acne can be and i hope this helps

good luck!!!!
go to a dermatologist that's your best bet for a safe and effective solution
use clearasil. it cleanses your skin without over-drying it. if it's that bad, get differen, a prescription cream for acne.
If you are able and have the $, I would go see a dermatologist who will directly take care of your problem. I had to go see one before because I had really bad acne. Now my skin is as clear as anything. Sometimes they have cream that will smooth the lines and minimize the scaring.
i would see a dermatologist to give you their opinion that will help alot considering that half the stuff thats not prescription doesnt work. ~good luck!
see a dermatologist, definatly
I would go on a good skin diet, which is no sugar, alots of water, and try to keep your face out of sun as much as you can. Eat alot of vegetables, fruits and especially eat bananas because they have good source of gleytics and vitamins which is very good for your face, body, and skin. I would recommend using ';Proactiv'; acne face wash, toner, and lotion. Wash every morning and night. Change your pillow case twice a week. (Pillow cases are known to gather bactrica from your body, hair and face and when it builds up it makes your face even more dirtier and will increase your chance of acne, pimples, zits, and other things. and ABSOUTELY avoid sugar, such as chocolate, and small candy snacks. When you need something to nibble on or snack on. Carrots with low fat ranch are the best, or Celery with peanut butter. (Peanut butter is really good for your skin, it helps it tone and come out even more evenly and look shiner. Also gives your body the good protein it needs.) There is so much you can do, but this is mostly it that will probably help you decrease your face into smaller pores, and clear out most of your acne, Oh! And lotion, toning and avrandos are good for scarring. Hope it helps you sweetie, good luck. Ciao


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