we came back from spain last week and his break out is worse than ever . face neck ,shoulders . already using a antibiotic solution on him and other creams but not helped. he feels embarrassed because none of his friends have spots. he is quite big for his age . help!!!!My ten year old son has really bad acne. what treament will he be able to have at his age?
PROACTIVE works. IDK if it'll work for him being that he is so young but trying cant hurt. its only 20 bucks for a 30 day trail version %26amp; thats a good deal.Make sure that he is keeping his hand out of his face also washing his face w/ a non- oild based facial wash ( try Neutrogena) %26amp; keep him away from the sweets (ie sodas %26amp; juice). Also he really only needs to wash his face twice a day- there is a such thing as over washing. Remember to get oil free moisturizer - when he wakes up %26amp; before he goes to bed is the only time he needs to wash or after playing outside %26amp; sweatingMy ten year old son has really bad acne. what treament will he be able to have at his age?
Few things are important. He should drink good amount of water everyday. Avoid oily foods. I also suggest you these products available at http://www.naturallabs.co.uk/acne,44.htm鈥?/a> :
1. Acnezine ( http://www.naturallabs.co.uk/1,acnezine.鈥?/a> )
2. Hydroviton.CR ( http://www.naturallabs.co.uk/49,hydrovit鈥?/a> )
3. Revitol Spot Gel ( http://www.naturallabs.co.uk/16,revitol-鈥?/a> )
Use any one of them. They are recommended by several dermatologists and they are natural too.
I hope it helps.
Hi Sandra,
The cause of pimples is bacteria and oil trapped in the skin and tea tree oil kills bacteria you can dab a bit of tea tree oil on the infected area. It is a good idea to wash the skin first to remove any oils and dirt that might be blocking the way. Studies in Australia have proven that tea tree oil kills bacteria including Propionibacterium which is the main cause of acne.
Oil is obtained from the Melaleuca alternifoliais tree from Australia. It is very effective against Acne as it contains bacteria-fighting substances called Terpenes. The Terpenes either outright kill them or weaken them enough to be destroyed by protective antibodies. There are very little side effects from using Tea Tree Oil.
If you have an acne problem, search out products which contain tea tree oil for a safe solution. Although it is used as a topical solution for different types of cleaning and infections, it might be a good idea to find a tested product that will benefit your skin in other ways as well.
Also, the watery gel from Aloe Vera plant is a highly effective natural cure against Acne. The enzyme-rich gel has very soothing anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It can also be taken internally and helps clean up and detox the digestive tract. This in turn can help clear up the skin.
Gel or juice of Aloe Vera is highly useful in fading of acne scars. You can grow Aloe Vera plant in your home and apply freshly taken pure Aloe Vera gel to your scar. Otherwise many branded cosmetic companies manufactures pure Aloe Vera gel, so you can choose the best cosmetic companies to get Aloe Vera gel.
Vitamin A is also a natural and effective Acne cure. Vitamin A promotes healthy skin.
Vitamin E also helps in countering Acne. It is a natural antioxidant and beneficial for the skin.
For more information check out the website http://www.trustwilliam.com/en-GB/Ingred鈥?/a> http://www.trustwilliam.com/Personal-Hyg鈥?/a> . You'll see the ingredients are 99.9% Pure Aloe Vera Gel with 'Vitamins A,C %26amp; E' and with 'Tea Tree'.
Hope this helps keep his acne %26amp; scars at bay!!
My brother took a course of Retinol A as a teenager which did wonders for his very severe acne.
It's available on the NHS.
You can have different treatments on the NHS if its serious, Skin peels are really effective, I used to have really bad skin and i got them done, its quite expensive but works wonders... Talk to your local doctor about it.
diet and wash face keep clean.
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