Monday, July 26, 2010

How bad does your acne get when you take roaccutane for the first month and does it get rid of red spots?

im about to use it soon

wish me good luck lol

ty in advanceHow bad does your acne get when you take roaccutane for the first month and does it get rid of red spots?
Mine got no worse and quickly cleared in about a week.

Had problems with split lips so make sure you get have some moisturising cream handy.

I would definately recommend it though.How bad does your acne get when you take roaccutane for the first month and does it get rid of red spots?
alright i'm actually using roaccutane atm and it's amazing what it has done...

yeah it does bring your acne out in time to come (depending on how reguarly you take the medication) but it has to come out sooner or later right? lol...

but yeah i've been taking it since April/May and i my face was almost resembling freddy kruegers!! lol not really (just using a metaphor)

but yeah it's improved alot and i look back at my photos and can't blieve the difference... just remember in the end you'll be looking back too and you'll know that this treatment is awesome..

there's a few minuses tho... i get dry eyes and dry lips very easily.. and every so often so i have to use a chapstick lol and my eyes... well.. i could use eyedrops bit i don't like them :D lol

and so yeah that's my answer.. lol sorry if it was too long
My firend had it and it made his face fall off for about two weeks, poor guy looked liek he was melting with bubbly skin. He ended up taking a week off school it was so bad. But after that they nearly all cleard up and his just turned into normal teenacne, a few spots wheras before he had it really severly. ALso if yuor pregnant dont take it- it causes congenital defects.
I used roaccutane about 15 years ago and my zits was really really bad. They didnt get noticeably worse when i first took it believe it or not.

I cant remember how long it took to get rid of the acne but it sure did the job.

All i remember was having really dry skin and lips. Stock up on the chapsticks mate, you'll need em.

Good luck.

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