Saturday, July 24, 2010

My fiancee has pretty bad acne on his there anything that you have tried and had it work?

He sweats a lot because he is in the Army and he wears clothing that does not breath very well, and he is in humid hot weather. Is there a powder possible that may work, any suggestions please..........My fiancee has pretty bad acne on his there anything that you have tried and had it work?
When washing the back use a loofah, sponge or exfoliant to help remove any dead skin cells that may clog up pores. Use a gentle action and don鈥檛 be too harsh otherwise you will end up breaking the skin.Check out for more useful info.My fiancee has pretty bad acne on his there anything that you have tried and had it work?
Get him some nice body scrub, if you shower together you can scrub his back for him.

If you shower separately, he probably cannot reach so get him one of those back loofahs that is long with handles at each end so he can scrub his own back. This helps alot, if you can get him to do it.
Body acne is normal and sweat does not contribute to it. Though, he should wash his back gently, scrubbing hard just irritates the skin, making it worse.

Use an anti bacteria soap or something gentle like dove. Drinking water can help too. 2 Liters a day.

Clothing can be a factor too. Tight clothing can irritate the skin making acne worse.

And then again, patience. It takes time to heal. Good luck (if it gets severe, ask your dermatologist about accutane. It's the last resort if all else fails.)

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