Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ever since I started going to college I have gotten really bad acne. Why is this and how can I stop/treat it?

It's just one of those things I'm afraid... somne get it, some don't.

Check your diet, doctors argue about the impact of diet on acne but I know through experience that it certainly does have an impact... cut down on fats/sugars and eat more fruits and veg, drink plenty of water too.

Try to drop your stress levels and don't let it worry you... sitting in front of the mirror hating it will actually make it worse because it will cause your body to react with hormones etc due to the stress.

If it is not so bad that try some of the shelf products, if it's really bothering you then go to you doctor... he can prescribe lots of thing to help, I had Oxytetracycline tablets and a cream and it cleared right up.

at the end of the day, it's all part of being human... so roll with it :)Ever since I started going to college I have gotten really bad acne. Why is this and how can I stop/treat it?
Must be your mom being away, not doing your sheets, pillowcase washings weekly, like it was done before.

Had a change in eating habits lately?

Justify yourself!Ever since I started going to college I have gotten really bad acne. Why is this and how can I stop/treat it?
Sometimes stressful situations can cause skin problems. If you get a little help with your school work with someone you can relate to in a friendly way, as you are learning, your acne may just clear up. Some OTC medications such as Clearasil or some generic topical cream with hydrocortizone 1 or 2% will help too. Washing your face with a gentle anti-bacterial soap can help even more but, do this before applying the cream and make sure your face is completely dry.
I guess you could try ProActive or AcneFree, a kinda cheaper brand, or something from Neutrogena.
You probably eat a lot of greasy fast food.

It often happen in college, just a quick meal.

It wont be easy but maybe you can try eating

less greasy foods.
You should probably treat it with something over the counter, but I wouldn't worry too much it is problem from stress. Starting college is a big life change.
Acne is due to hormonal changes ,bad diet and unhealthy skin care habits . Apply slices of tomato on your skin,the pulp of the tomato has astringent properties which can prevent acne. I came across a lot of simple and natural remedies for treating and preventing acne at


What your skin needs is a product that clears pores and kills bacteria, thus preventing hair follicles from clogging and turning into acne. This is what you should be looking for if you want to get rid of those ugly acne.

Visit this source for complete info on the most effective HERBAL treatments available this year:鈥?/a>


P.S. Someone I know, Elizabeth used to suffer from severe acne for 14 YEARS and she finally got rid of it. She's sharing her story at:


Hope this helps :-)
Acne or pimples are usually a result of hormonal changes and an irregular and increased production of oil by the sebaceous glands. Check out for more useful info.
are you doing alot of physical excercise. then are you showering right after and scrubing your face really well. Also i would suggest some sort of facial wash and use it twice a day. shower twice a day. and then agree with the prior comment to get proactive, if the **** really gets bad see a dermotologist. acutaine is the best if its really bad

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