Thursday, July 22, 2010

Is Shea Butter bad for acne prone oily skin?

Yes it is bad for oily skin,why would you want to put something greasy on oily skin.If you had dry skin,it would've been ok but since you have oily skin it's a big nono.You would want to use clinique clarifying lotion made for oily skin ,it's $15 and you can get it at macy's.Is Shea Butter bad for acne prone oily skin?
Oh ok,I wasn't trying to be mean know even though it sounded mean.Hope it works for you!!!

Good luck. Report Abuse
Is Shea Butter bad for acne prone oily skin?
Shea butter is good for any kind of skin just don't use alot of it just dab it on cause i've been using the natural kind you get outta the African stores and it works wonders on my skin and body!!
yes it is bad for acne. Acne is caused by an oily face and that will keep it oily. you should by a bottle of sea breeze. It is a blue liquid in a bottle and buy some face moisturizer
uh i use it for dry skin and cuts dat i want cleared. but all u can do is try it :]]

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