Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bathing good or bad for acne?

So i have acne on my back , evil cystic acne. I love baths like you wouldn't believe bath bombs, bubbles, the works. But i was wondering, are hot baths good or bad for acne. If i dont have any bubbles i usually just add a bit of baking soda to the water to make it soft...is this good or bad?Bathing good or bad for acne?
that's good for acne.for more info try this web site.

http://www.remove-pimples.co.nr/Bathing good or bad for acne?
As long as you wash your back then your fine, the baking soda should help cuz it acts as a scrub for your skin. But I don't know what bubbles do, but its mainly soap so it shouldn't hurt it. And the steam lets your poors open up, so make sure you wash your bath with either a cleanser or just soap, or w/e works for you.

Edit: lol, I meant back not bath.
Heat typically can kill cells, which can trigger acne. If you wash your face, you should use a medium or cold temperature for the best result.

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