Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I have bad acne but love to wear make up. Does anyone recommend a specific brand that won't make me break out?

Specialist are saying to use natural beauty products that have natural active botanicals that actually help improve the condition of your skin and don't add extra hormones. Try RAW Natural Beauty products at http://www.glow.comI have bad acne but love to wear make up. Does anyone recommend a specific brand that won't make me break out?
I can recommend a acne product that will vanish your pimples:

I was once like you but now i'm not, simply because i went to the dermatologist and he perscribed me a pill and i will tell you about it:

I have tried stuff like proactiv, AMBI, Neautogena,clean and clear and other acne products and all proactiv did was make my pimples worse after i stopped using it and the rest did NOTHING!!

I was fed up so i went to a dermatologist. When I visited him he told em about a product called ROACCUTANE He told me all about the product and told me that if i used it i would see results and i started using it from March 1st and within the first 2 days i started seeing results and now i have NO pimples on my face and guess what? i was pimple free with a month or two of using it.

The best thing about Roaccutane is that it isnt a 4-5 step thing with a toner mask and other unnecessary things it is just one pill that has to me taken each day afetr a meal.

I advice that you go to the dermatologist and ask about Roacutanne cuz it did wonders for me when nothing else did.

Hope I helped!

=]I have bad acne but love to wear make up. Does anyone recommend a specific brand that won't make me break out?
You need to consult with a dermatologist to clear up the acne issues first and foremost. They will be able to give a better recommendation than anyone here on YA.

I used Mary Kay oil control formula cleanser and moisturizer for a long time. It really helped keep my acne under control.

Once your acne is cleared up, look for oil free based makeup products. That should help keep your pores clear.
I love using make up also.

Try Dermablend, i love it.

It has great coverage and it does not smear or rub off and if you sweat it stays, it doesnt streak.

It has great coverage for acne.

When i use it i look flawless. It's kinda expensive but it works.

I'm 21 years old and let me tell you I had A LOT of acne.

I started breaking out and graudally it got worse.

I used everything imaginable from face washes to medication, cleansers. Everything you can buy from the store i tried it. I also tried all those face washes you see on t.v. but nothing ever worked. I went to the dermatologist and they gave me several medications as well as face washes and topical creams, again nothing worked instead it made my skin really dry and I broke out even more. Finally my dermatologist reccomended Accutane, I was skeptical to try it because of the side effects, but thankfully I couldn't take it because my body coudln't handle it. So i kept looking, i came across ACNE MD. I gave that a shot and let me tell you, my acne cleared up completely in a month. I HIGHLY reccomend it. There are no side effects and my skin is flawless, my boyfriend loves it. It took about a month to competely clear but it is worth it. Try it ACNEMD.com

Also try using Aveen Ultra calming that helps calm your skin and it doesnt causse breakouts it actually helps your face clear.

You can get a trial for free if you like it keep buying it, it's only $20
i would say the proactive acne kit! 100%

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