Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Help im in yr 11 and am having bad acne brake outs?

well im under alot of strees the last in the family so i have too do good i also have alot of family and friend commitments and im not keeping up and am not sleeping well and my face is packed with pimples .......plz i need advice to calm my acne down.Help im in yr 11 and am having bad acne brake outs?
apply benzoyl peroxide its very effective 鈥?br>

drink 8-10 glasses of water

apply ice to your face regularly it closes the pores so that would definitely reduce the acne breakout

in this site there are loads of home remedies on how to maintain skin and has article about 12 super foods for skin, aloe vera and its benefit for skin, egg face mask, zap the zit, how to avoid sunburn ,honey check it out hope this would help uHelp im in yr 11 and am having bad acne brake outs?
I have been thru the acne experience all my life, for the last 35 years...don't let it get you down. Its a heredity issue, passed down from generation to generation. But that won't help you out as I KNOW just how cruel kids can be towards kids with severe acne. Your skin pores are getting clogged with facial debris, so keeping your face clean is a starter, you'll have to wash your face a few times a day. I've seen the products advertised on TV, but I have not had personal experience with them, so I don't know if they work. I think the one is called....Proactive? What ever you do...DON'T scratch your pimples! I had to stay away from candy, tomatoes, Pizza and acidic foods. It was after eating these when my acne broke out the worst. Its a tough time in our lives, but don't lose sleep over it...been there done that.

good luck
Try to stick to one product if you can. Clearasil is great. If you have sensitive skin, use a less powerful cleanser.

Get some sleep. BEST TIP EVER !! Catch a real good 40 winks...and try not to irritate your skin by using a harsh scrub.
go to the doctor and follow his prescription. pimple is an infection caused by to much oil in your face.. use an oil removing facial wash,. but ask your doctor first if you can use it.. neutrogena helps..
get some face wash - not too much

apply it - use moisturiser

maybe go to doctors for antibiotics - they help

get night cream

use fake tan when going out - but make it seem subtle

The only person who can really help you is a doctor.
go to a dermatologist and get perscription medication
go to a good dermacologist and there is so many things out there will help you these days. google it on line to
get mates that like you

Age : 10

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