Friday, August 20, 2010

Does bad acne put you off a bloke?

i'm quite good looking but have bad acne sometimes, does this put women off?Does bad acne put you off a bloke?
frankly - YES! it's just really nasty looking at someone who has pimples/white heads all over. BUT.. gotta be honest now... I ones was in love with a guy who had a HUGE problem with acne... and I did not care... I loved him for who he was. Just be yourself! if it turns woman off it means she does not care who you are, she does not see the person and why would you want someone like that? If it bothers YOU then get it taken care of. Go get facial, they clean your skin very well and with time acne goes away. Make sure you keep your skin clean and use antiacne products that work for you. But remember - if you're not comfortable with yourself women can sense it and THAT is the biggest turn off, not the acne :)Does bad acne put you off a bloke?
Oh yes! Scrub your face more and tone after that!
Don't just give up to the acne, get it treated with these products and they'll go away or get reduced to the point it wouldn't matter.

check these:


No, women love it. The idea of going in to gently nibble their boyfriends ear and instead biting a pimple and having it pop inside their mouth fills them with lust. Insane with ***, they will then do Miami claps with their booty.

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