Friday, August 20, 2010

So i have a really bad acne problem?

nothing is working. i have never had it this bad. nothin is working and i dont know what to do can any one help meSo i have a really bad acne problem?
I had a pretty bad acne problem as well, it's different for everyone. On some it's just hormones, but on a few its caused by genetics. I Tried almost everything: Oxy-10, Tretionon, and a lot of other remedies.

The thing that finally helped me was Adapalene. You should visit your doctor for a prescription, as some people are allergic. I used the adapalene gel 0.1%, some people need to take it as pills. See your doctor, they'll give you the gel first if it doesn't work well they will prescribe you the adapalene pills. But don't just buy it from the pharmacy as you won't be covered if you end up allergic.So i have a really bad acne problem?
Essential oils and witch hazel can clear up any acne problem.

1/2 cup of witch hazel

1/2 cup of green tea

1 tsp of tea tree oil

5 drops of lemon oil (or a bit of lemon juice)

1 tbsp of aloe vera gel

The recipe that I posted above should clear you acne up in about two weeks depending on how bad it is. A honey mask or baking soda mask with also help.
i have bad acne, too.

i use clearasil blackhead clearing lotion. (even though i don't have blackheads, but it helps with pimples too.) every night and every morning.

for particularly nasty pimples, i use clean and clear fast acting gel. it comes in a little tube and you will see the difference in only a few hours, it's genius.

also, exfoliating your skin once a week (no more than that, it dries it out and just isn't good at all.) will deffinitely help. i use garnier pure deep pore wash.

try it out, but bear in mind - you won't see results for about 2 or so weeks, as with any product, because your skin is adjusting. also, be consistant, put the clerasil on every night and every morning. not just...2 nights a week and like..4 mornings.
Do not fret and feel annoyed with your self, so you got a very bad acne problem, there are a lot of products for it but since you tried a lot i can suggest to you an old remedy that was used a long time ago by our elders, and that is ,mix coffee with milk and apply an the area where you have acne's and i guarantee to you that they will disappear
I remember what I used to do was shower daily, sometimes even twice every day. The cleaner, the better, I say. I have also used Aveeno Clear Complexion, and it was literally amazing. One bottle lasted me a long time, and it did wonders on my face. I just put it on at night after a shower, and went to sleep.

The bad oils in your skin usually come out when your body is idle, and destroying them at that time is the best way that I have seen for myself so far. But if all of that doesn't work, just go to a dermatologist.
i used to have the same of the main causes of acne is worrying and candy and stuff like that chocolate..but if you keep worrying about having acne it will stay ..i know its hard not to worry about it in public places and even at home but try to get your mind on something else for example my hobby is sports and video games so i tried to play them and just get my mind off of them..if this dosent work dont try alot of different creams because some make them worse just try to stop worrying about them and wait it out mine took about my sophomore year to go away so that i Had good clear skin..and just know that your not the only one in the world witha acne problem so dont feel alone
go on isotretinoin, aka accutane. do some research, you'll find that most of the side effects are bogus.

it helps soooo many people out.

it is better to take a chance than life uncomfortaby and in regret.

check out the before and after pictures if you need convincing:鈥?/a>

i wish you all the luck in the world. i hope you find your answer.
Put your' face in a blender. Worked wonders for Jimmy (he's dead) XD %26lt;%26lt;%26lt; that was to cheer you up.

Use a thing called pro oxy 102 it's the best damn thing since spotty people :) I used to have spots, now I can count them on one hand (coupled with a calculator) :), no really 'pro oxy 102'
Don't self diagnose, make an appt. with a good dermatologist and take the advice. Your beauty is one of your calling card and you don't want to risk possible scaring or skin damage with do it yourself products.
Fact of life... get used to it

we've all had it and only very few are blessed with 'the glow'

it will go away in a few years so i suggest you don't look in the mirror for a while!

: )
something that really helps me from breaking out is tanning. tanning releases vitamins that your body stores and it not only helps the pimples on my face but it also helps my back from breaking out as well! good luck
You should go to a Dermatologist they can check it out and see what might be causing the problem and prescribe you a really good cream to clear it up or try other treatment
apply soap everyday.

use acne soap.
Admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery.
put germaline on your spots at bed time, dont wash your face with soap or anything just use water. stay away from fryed food. good luck.
Try Dial Gold.
try mixing brown sugar and milk and rubbing it on your face, it worked for me.
have you seen a dermatologist? go see one, make an appointment tomorrow.
i herd that neutrajenics works pretty well or that stuff on television advertised starts with P
heard that birth control pills help.
You better ask for some proactiv

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