Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I have like REALLY REALLY bad acne and dont know wat to do!?

I've tried everything from washing my face everyday to eating nothing but fruits and drinking 8 cups of water every day!!!!!I have like REALLY REALLY bad acne and dont know wat to do!?
I think you should make an appointment with a dermatologist. There are different grades of acne, and what grade you have determines the course of treatment. Keep drinking the water (that can only help hydrate the skin), wash your face 2 times a day, and use a toner afterward. Try not to touch your face, and keep your hair off of it.

Hope this helps I have like REALLY REALLY bad acne and dont know wat to do!?
If you prefer not to seek professional help.

Try working on the problem from the inside and out

Consider a detox .. cleansing your system of the toxins in your body

Vitamin C will help your immune system and drinking lots of clean water

Try an acne wash, follow by an oil-free toner and cotton rounds to deep clean your pores as well as your skin, wipe your face with a cotton round that you applied the oil-free toner and you will see how dirty it is .. use another clean one until the used cotton round with toner comes clean

Then use a acne cleansing pad, it's a personal preference if you use more than one or if you choose to use a maximum or sensitive one to go over your face (excluding the eye area)

Then use the spot treatment for the acne

Keep you hands out of your face, don't pop the zits as bad as they may look it creates acne scars and be patient, it takes time and you must be consistent and persistent when it comes to acne

Good luck
acne is a bacteria that affects everyone but with some it doesn't leave therefore usually soaps and products don't work..

if you've had it for over 2 years or even a yr then see a dermatologist. he will most probably recommend vitamin A treatment.

if you dont wanna do that, then try washing your face every hour. and use clinque products. use banana peel over your skin. it dries it too.
you can look in the yellow pages to find a dermatologist near you. for now try not to touch them because it makes the infection go deeper into your skin. DO NOT wash your face more than twice a day because when you overwash you dry up your skin and it responds by making more oil making your acne worse. during the day you can use Clean and Clear Oil blotting sheets, which absorb oil. i used to have bad acne too but that seems to control it. hope that helps and good luck
There is a lot of things you can do.

1. Contact a dermatologist, he/she can prescribe acne medications

Acne treatments have changed in the past years,

2. You can go for Facials, depending on where you live,

(I live in Chicago) , we have a Georgette Klinger salon and

their facials are great

3. You can try proactive or murad products, I have not tried them, I

have heard they are good.

I am 45, my skin has always been pretty good, I use, Clean and Clear, and witch hazel and exfoliate 3x a month, and I moisturize.

Your best bet would be to contact a dermatologist though.

Sorry for being long winded.

You know what i used to have some really bad acne but you might not believe me but i used proactiv first i thought oo its not gonna work but then i bought for 25.95 if im not mastaking and it work after 2 weeks i couldnt believe it but trust me am a normal person and it helped me just keep using it okay
Go to your normal doctor and get a referral to see a dermetologist. It'll be a prescription and it should be covered by insurance so no more money down the drain-They personalize it for you and you won't have any problems

hope i helped ';)
use a cleanser. i know most of them are very expensive. what happens is your pores get clogged which ae small hole in your skin which causes acne. cleaning it only will not help.try one cleanser and if it doesn't work try a new one.
See a dermatologist. I had really bad acne myself until the doctor prescribed something for my skin type. Now I'm acne-free.
seeing a dermatologist is your best bet. he/she can prescribe oral and topical medications for you which will do wonders for your acne
remember to prevent scars.. don't pick!

I know its hard though because they are gross!
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